Build Muscle Bulk and Trim Body Fat
They want to build muscle bulk and trim body fat.
They are looking for the six pack abs and bulging biceps.
(I understand, it's an attractive look especially if you're trying to impress any of the ladies.
) It's very feasible to achieve that goal as long as you know the right way to do it.
Here are some points to give you that knowledge.
If you want to build muscle bulk and trim body fat, you need to pay attention to how you exercise and what you eat and the calorie or food type you consume.
Many times you are going to look to muscle magazines to get this information.
Here is a word of caution in going this route.
It is reasonable to assume that based on advertising revenue the supplement company's products will be promoted because they are the ones paying the magazine to advertise.
That being said, doesn't it make sense then that whether the products work or not, in order to get the money, magazines will push the product? Also, the guys in those magazines that you look to for advice in order to build muscle bulk and trim body fat in many cases did not gain mass or get their body design naturally.
If you are looking to naturally achieve muscle gain (which is the only route I recommend), most likely they aren't your best mentor either.
However, there are plenty of knowledgeable, scholar athletes and fitness professionals who can give advice and information to help you achieve your goals.
Those individuals and the information they provide are the ones I would recommend getting training tips from.
These professionals will tell you that proper lifting technique is critical in order to build muscle bulk in the fastest safest manner.
This would include going the full range of motion when you lift, proper breathing patterns, using controlled moves, and slow count your release on the negative portion of your lift just to name a few.
Another thing they will tell you is to perform some type of cardio exercise.
Cardio exercises are great ways to help trim body fat and despite what myths you may have heard, at the right intensity level you won't lose any muscle mass as a result.
Plus, they help improve heart health as well.
As far as eating is concerned, yes you need additional calories.
But to build muscle bulk and trim body fat at the same time, they must be the right kind of calories.
When you are trying to build muscle and get lean, simply add 200 to 300 calories of complex carbs to your daily caloric intake.
And don't overload on protein.
Your body can only use so much protein, approximately 1.
5 kg per pound of body weight for competitive body builders.
Anything above that is either removed as waste or stored as fat.
If you are downing protein shakes and bars like there's no tomorrow that could be the culprit in an inability to get rid of excess fat.
Keep these things in mind if you want to build muscle bulk and trim body fat.
This is the truth behind what is actually involved in building muscle and achieving your body building goals.