How to Make Money at a Flea Market
1You should first decide where you are going to be getting whatever you want to sell. You can buy things very cheaply at thrift stores and resell them, you can makes handmade items, you can buy wholesale and resell, hit all the clearance racks, etc...
For the thrift stores, look for name brand clothing, and look for juniors sizes, they are very popular, you can buy super cheap and resell for a profit! As for the clearance racks, you can always find good deals after holidays, then you stock up on great stuff, and the next year you sell it for a huge profit!! Buying wholesale is also a great way to make money, but do not buy what you like, buy what is in demand at the time. Visit the flea market you plan to sell at and check out all the other sellers. Try to offer something new, where your booth will be the only the customers can get that item at!
Now for some very hot sellers at flea markets - baby items, fresh fruits and vegetables (great for gardeners), body jewelry, inexpensive toys, video games, cell phones, real jewelry, crystal, scarves, and things to decorate your house with. Just remember, you cannot expect to get full retail prices for anything you sell, and people will also try to talk you down. Set your price a little higher than what you will accept for it. If they don't talk you down, you have made a little more money, and if they do, reason with them until you get to your minimum price, then you will have what you want and they will feel like they are getting a better deal!