Wedding:145 Days and Counting
Monday January 30th, 2006.
Another month down as I count down the days until I get married.
Nervous?Nah, at least not yet.
No runaway bride syndrome here at least for the groom.
Too much to do anyway.
As Willy Wonka once said "Too much time and so little to do" "Strike that, reverse it, thank you.
"Besides before We get married we have to do the following, in no particular order: Get the marriage license, get a new home, quit a job, move 2 households, do taxes for both households and still make sure we work everyday( 2 jobs for me) and of course school for the kids.
I have one almost 17 year old girl and my fiancee' has 3 boys, one (15) still in school.
I need to take a little detour right now and acknowledge a couple of things that mean a lot to me: My nephew and his wife had a baby boy, who tragically died after only a couple of hours.
He died in his mommy's arms.
My niece was diagnosed with the big "C" and is recuperating but we are concerned.
My God-Mother is gravely ill.
Life sucks sometimes.
Sometimes you feel so helpless, all you can do is pray.
So I pray alot.
There have been some good things: My daughter is in love.
My future youngest son might be.
My fiancee' loves me more than any woman ever has including my mother.
I'm finally writing and seem poised to rock at least my little world with what I have to say.
And God loves me.
So all and all, life is worth living and so I will continue to give it my all.
Only 145 days until I get married after all! This time my daughter can come to see it.
If she feels like it.
Oh boy.
Another month down as I count down the days until I get married.
Nervous?Nah, at least not yet.
No runaway bride syndrome here at least for the groom.
Too much to do anyway.
As Willy Wonka once said "Too much time and so little to do" "Strike that, reverse it, thank you.
"Besides before We get married we have to do the following, in no particular order: Get the marriage license, get a new home, quit a job, move 2 households, do taxes for both households and still make sure we work everyday( 2 jobs for me) and of course school for the kids.
I have one almost 17 year old girl and my fiancee' has 3 boys, one (15) still in school.
I need to take a little detour right now and acknowledge a couple of things that mean a lot to me: My nephew and his wife had a baby boy, who tragically died after only a couple of hours.
He died in his mommy's arms.
My niece was diagnosed with the big "C" and is recuperating but we are concerned.
My God-Mother is gravely ill.
Life sucks sometimes.
Sometimes you feel so helpless, all you can do is pray.
So I pray alot.
There have been some good things: My daughter is in love.
My future youngest son might be.
My fiancee' loves me more than any woman ever has including my mother.
I'm finally writing and seem poised to rock at least my little world with what I have to say.
And God loves me.
So all and all, life is worth living and so I will continue to give it my all.
Only 145 days until I get married after all! This time my daughter can come to see it.
If she feels like it.
Oh boy.