Gift Ideas for an 8-Year-Old Girl
- Keep in mind any knowledge you have about her favorite color or character so that you might choose a gift containing these. If you have no knowledge about an 8-year-old girl's favorite color or character, choose items without characters if possible. Balls, jump ropes, hula hoops and scooters are good choices for 8-year-old girls.
A bowling, swimming or miniature golf gift certificate is another good gift choice. Since girls this age still like to have a present to open, place the certificate, card and a small birthday treat such as candy in a decorative bag. If possible, provide a date and time for the activity, and offer to accompany her. - If you know that she collects something, your gift giving becomes much easier. If she collects turtles, seek out a turtle item that does not duplicate another in her collection. You might search for a turtle snow globe, tabletop fountain, miniature toys, puppet or jewelry.
Even if you have no knowledge concerning her collecting habits, you can start a collection for her. Choose something small, fun and easy to find such as ladybugs. Start her with a small collection by searching for small, inexpensive items to put together as one gift. Jewelry, pencil toppers, miniature ceramics, hair accessories, hats and small stuffed toys all provide good starts for a collection gift. Buy an appropriate gift bag or box for the collection starter gift. Write a note in the card explaining that you would like to start her collection hobby with your gift. - Remember that 8-year-old girls can read and complete simple math equations. Also, keep in mind the girl's living arrangements. If she has no brothers or sisters and both parents work, a game requiring two or more players is inappropriate. Some 8-year-old girls enjoy handheld video games. If you are unsure about the game system she has, choose a self-contained, small electronic version of a classic game such as Hangman or Yahtzee.
Art supplies are pleasing choice to most 8-year-old girls. Even if they already have the item you buy, art supplies eventually run out and more are needed. Craft kits such as fun foam, painting or scrap-booking also make good gifts.
For an unusual way to present art supplies as a gift, choose a sturdy plastic container with lid. Use stickers or stencils to place her name and the words "Art Kit" on the lid. Inside place a variety of art supplies such as paint, markers, glitter glue, stickers, a variety of paper, scissors and glue sticks. She will enjoy hours of fun with such supplies.
Active Gifts
Games and Art