The Number 1 Air Purifier in the Market
If you are searching for the best air purifier available on the market, then IQ Air Health Pro Plus is the one you are looking for.
It has won various awards such as Allergy Buyer's Club category winner, Wired Magazine Test Best Air Purifier, Consumer Guide's Best Buy, Review Board Magazine's Product of the Year, Consumer Digest's Best Buy, and Test Magazine's Category Winner.
In addition to that, it is also Parent Tested Parent Approved as well as Newsweek Odor Tested.
These awards give proof to the product's claim of being the best air cleaner ever created.
The main function of this air purifier is to remove pet dander, viruses, pollen, dust mites, mold spores, odors and bacteria from the air.
It is favorable for people who are suffering from asthma and other allergies.
It is very suitable for homes, laboratories, and hospitals.
It is proven to remove all air allergens within a few seconds under normal operating capacity.
IQ Air Health Pro Plus is also used to free the air from different odors and air contaminants.
This air cleaner contains 6lbs of activated carbon that eliminates odors from the air.
This device is also proven to control the smoke of tobacco within an area of 900 sq ft.
This air purifier comprise various processes like micro-particle filtration which eliminates microscopic particles, granular activated carbon absorption which eliminates odors, pelletized chemical absorption which neutralizes harmful chemicals, and Hyper Hepa filtration which eliminates dangerous combustion particles.
IQ Air Health Pro was released by IQ Air, a Swiss company which has been involved in the manufacturing of air cleaners for over forty years.
This air cleaner is the product of all the knowledge, applied technology, skill, and quality control of IQ Air.
The expenses for this purifier are the purchase cost of $795--$835 online, filter replacement which costs $97 per year, and operation cost of a 150watt incandescent bulb.
However, be considerate in choosing the right stuff.
This may seem a huge cash outlay at first, but the air cleaner will be able to pay for itself through your savings from health expenses.
This air purifier is one of the best products ever created by man and people are guaranteed that this product is a great deal for their money.
It has won various awards such as Allergy Buyer's Club category winner, Wired Magazine Test Best Air Purifier, Consumer Guide's Best Buy, Review Board Magazine's Product of the Year, Consumer Digest's Best Buy, and Test Magazine's Category Winner.
In addition to that, it is also Parent Tested Parent Approved as well as Newsweek Odor Tested.
These awards give proof to the product's claim of being the best air cleaner ever created.
The main function of this air purifier is to remove pet dander, viruses, pollen, dust mites, mold spores, odors and bacteria from the air.
It is favorable for people who are suffering from asthma and other allergies.
It is very suitable for homes, laboratories, and hospitals.
It is proven to remove all air allergens within a few seconds under normal operating capacity.
IQ Air Health Pro Plus is also used to free the air from different odors and air contaminants.
This air cleaner contains 6lbs of activated carbon that eliminates odors from the air.
This device is also proven to control the smoke of tobacco within an area of 900 sq ft.
This air purifier comprise various processes like micro-particle filtration which eliminates microscopic particles, granular activated carbon absorption which eliminates odors, pelletized chemical absorption which neutralizes harmful chemicals, and Hyper Hepa filtration which eliminates dangerous combustion particles.
IQ Air Health Pro was released by IQ Air, a Swiss company which has been involved in the manufacturing of air cleaners for over forty years.
This air cleaner is the product of all the knowledge, applied technology, skill, and quality control of IQ Air.
The expenses for this purifier are the purchase cost of $795--$835 online, filter replacement which costs $97 per year, and operation cost of a 150watt incandescent bulb.
However, be considerate in choosing the right stuff.
This may seem a huge cash outlay at first, but the air cleaner will be able to pay for itself through your savings from health expenses.
This air purifier is one of the best products ever created by man and people are guaranteed that this product is a great deal for their money.