How to Grill a Rotisserie Chicken
- 1). Purchase a rotisserie that is appropriate for your grill type. A good place to find one is the place you bought your grill, though you can also purchase them online through your grill manufacturer, or a specialty online grill store.
- 2). Assemble the rotisserie onto your grill, making sure all attachments are properly secured. Your chicken can cook unevenly if one side is loose.
- 3). Tie the legs and wings of the chicken, so they don't hang down into the grill flame when it's on the rotisserie. Use the butcher's string to tie the wing tips together, then tie the legs together.
- 4). Fire up the grill.
- 5). Place the chicken on the rotisserie, following the instructions that came with your particular type of rotisserie. On some models, the chicken will be pierced with several forks on either end.
- 6). Add seasonings by slowly turning your rotisserie and shaking them on to all parts of the bird. While you can add elaborate seasonings, salt and pepper will work just fine.
- 7). Set your rotisserie to turn, or if you have a manual rotisserie, begin turning it. Cooking time for a rotisserie chicken depends on how hot you keep the flame. Generally, a medium heat will cook the bird in 45 minutes to an hour.
- 8). Test the temperature of the bird by placing the meat thermometer inside the cavity of the chicken. The U.S. Department of Agriculture recommends that you cook chicken until it reaches at least 165 degrees Fahrenheit. Test several different parts of the chicken, including the thicker portions of the thigh and breast, to make sure it's cooked to that temperature.