Is There a Global Resorts Ripoff?
It's no different with GRN, with a lot of people claiming this opportunity is really just a Global Resorts Scam.
At the heart of all of these Global Resorts scam claims and complaints is one thing: a distrust of anything that smacks of multi-level or network marketing.
While the negative reputation of MLM may be fully justified, there is nothing in the Global Resorts Network affiliate offer that is MLM.
The closest thing is the ability to recruit other affiliates for the GRN opportunity and receive compensation for their sales.
You do not, however, receive anything beyond that: the affiliates that they recruit, or they below them recruit, etc.
are not tied to you in any way and you receive no compensation for that.
In other words, the "network" in Global Reports Network refers only to the network of resorts and vacation spots you can sell through the GRN plan and nothing to do with your association as an affiliate.
This distinction is often-overlooked by those quick to judge any opportunity or offer that they see as too simple or too easy.
The Global Resorts scam claims are almost entirely based on people's perception that the GRN offer is a multi-level or get-rich-quick ripoff.
Those who've joined the GRN affiliate plan might also have a complaint, usually because they did little to promote the offer.
These claims of a Global Resorts scam are often based on those who signed up for the opportunity, attempted to make one or two sales, failed to do so, and wrote the whole thing off as a scheme to steal their signup cash.
These complaints miss one crucial thing: the person making them made little effort to make their new business work.
Far from being the Global Resorts scam, the Global Resorts Network offer requires persistent work, a thorough understanding (and belief) in the way GRN works, and a real commitment to making your business thrive.
Those who join merely to hurry and make a few bucks are doomed to failure.
This is true of any opportunity, but especially true of the GRN affiliate plan.
Think of it this way: to make a sale with GRN, you have to convince someone to join the group's network of offers for low-cost vacation stays at resorts and locales world-wide.
More importantly, you have to convince them that this is worth spending a few hundred dollars.
Those you do convince to join at a higher level of participation (better offers, longer stays, etc.
) require a $3,000 lifetime membership.
That kind of money can easily be equated to becoming a Global Resorts scam if you are not careful about your sales strategy.
For many affiliates in the GRN system, finding people willing to spend three thousand dollars on something is not easy.
If the affiliate fails to make a sale quickly, they may immediately assume the Global Resorts scam is real.
If they fail to make back their initial investment within the first month of trying, they will also assume they've been ripped off.
They miss something key: any business takes time and effort to develop.
The money you put into a platinum membership for maximum affiliate rewards in GRN is not a monthly payment: it's an annual one.
So you have a full year to at least break even.
With concerted effort, though, every affiliate can easily make real profits with GRN.
That's because it's not the Global Resorts scam, but the Global Resorts Network opportunity.
This comes with the ability to sell a real product with real value to your customers.
Anyone who travels can see the value in saving $500-$5,000 on a week's stay.
That easily makes up for the cost of membership!