Vegetarians and Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 is a water soluble vitamin that is most commonly found in meat, fish, shellfish, and dairy products.
It's main health benefits are maintaining healthy nerve cells and red blood cells.
Vitamin B12 is also necessary to make DNA.
The human body holds on to Vitamin B12 tightly.
The average body has several years worth of Vitamin B12 stored up to release when necessary.
Because of this, it is rare to have a B12 deficiency.
Older adults are the most vulnerable.
A deficiency in vitamin B12 is a very big issue.
Studies have shown that a deficiency in vitamin B12 can lead to the following health problems: megaoblastic deficiency, pernicious anemia, Alzheimer's disease, angioplasty, breast cancer, cardiovascular disease, fatigue, high cholesterol, imerslund-grasbeck disease, shaky-leg syndrome, sickle cell disease, circadian rhythm sleep disorders, lung cancer, stroke, and Leber's disease.
Vitamin B12 is vital to any healthy body.
It is involved in the metabolism of every single cell in the body.
Looking at all the scientific research, it's safe to say that Vitamin B12 is one of the most important vitamins in the world.
As a strict vegetarian, I am very concerned with my levels of Vitamin B12 intake.
Because most of B12 is consumed through animal products, it is tough for me to find places to get my vitamin B12.
I made the decision that I had to start using supplements to make sure I get enough vitamin B12.
I stumbled upon one product that I have absolutely loved.
It's called StudyPil.
You can visit the website at http://www.
I initially bought the product because of the amazing levels of vitamin B12.
However, after taking the product and researching the ingredients, it has absolutely blown me away.
Within about 15 minutes of taking it, I felt this great energy and went after my day with an optimistic outlook.
StudyPil has replaced all my multivitamins and I've never felt better.
The product is loaded with cutting edge vitamins, herbs, minerals, and nutrients that are tough to find anywhere else.
When researching other nutritional supplements, it's tough to find anything that compares to StudyPil.
It is loaded with all sorts of stuff that helps the brain function and the body feel great.
I take them right when I wake up and I am energized and focused throughout the entire day.
I really could have used a product like this when I was in college! I finally have the comforting feeling that I'm getting all the nutrients I need to be a healthy person and perform at my personal best.
I've discovered my true power through the help of proper nutrition.
I wish you luck on your journey to health and happiness.
It's main health benefits are maintaining healthy nerve cells and red blood cells.
Vitamin B12 is also necessary to make DNA.
The human body holds on to Vitamin B12 tightly.
The average body has several years worth of Vitamin B12 stored up to release when necessary.
Because of this, it is rare to have a B12 deficiency.
Older adults are the most vulnerable.
A deficiency in vitamin B12 is a very big issue.
Studies have shown that a deficiency in vitamin B12 can lead to the following health problems: megaoblastic deficiency, pernicious anemia, Alzheimer's disease, angioplasty, breast cancer, cardiovascular disease, fatigue, high cholesterol, imerslund-grasbeck disease, shaky-leg syndrome, sickle cell disease, circadian rhythm sleep disorders, lung cancer, stroke, and Leber's disease.
Vitamin B12 is vital to any healthy body.
It is involved in the metabolism of every single cell in the body.
Looking at all the scientific research, it's safe to say that Vitamin B12 is one of the most important vitamins in the world.
As a strict vegetarian, I am very concerned with my levels of Vitamin B12 intake.
Because most of B12 is consumed through animal products, it is tough for me to find places to get my vitamin B12.
I made the decision that I had to start using supplements to make sure I get enough vitamin B12.
I stumbled upon one product that I have absolutely loved.
It's called StudyPil.
You can visit the website at http://www.
I initially bought the product because of the amazing levels of vitamin B12.
However, after taking the product and researching the ingredients, it has absolutely blown me away.
Within about 15 minutes of taking it, I felt this great energy and went after my day with an optimistic outlook.
StudyPil has replaced all my multivitamins and I've never felt better.
The product is loaded with cutting edge vitamins, herbs, minerals, and nutrients that are tough to find anywhere else.
When researching other nutritional supplements, it's tough to find anything that compares to StudyPil.
It is loaded with all sorts of stuff that helps the brain function and the body feel great.
I take them right when I wake up and I am energized and focused throughout the entire day.
I really could have used a product like this when I was in college! I finally have the comforting feeling that I'm getting all the nutrients I need to be a healthy person and perform at my personal best.
I've discovered my true power through the help of proper nutrition.
I wish you luck on your journey to health and happiness.