Bodybuilding Supplements: The Truth and The Myths
Over the years, this business evolved into a multi-billion dollar and practically every professional bodybuilder promotes at least one line of supplements.
Some people may falsely assume that since these products are so heavily promoted, that they are a crap wrapped in pretty package and lies.
I don't think so.
No doubt there is a lot of inferior products out there, but the truth is, that any serious ectomorph bodybuilder will eventually need some supplements in his diet.
The questions are when to start taking a supplement and which product to take.
When To Start Taking Supplements? To answer the first question is not difficult.
You start taking supplements when your diet alone cannot provide enough nutrition for your body.
See, I told you previously that bodybuilding is a journey, and supplements are one of the points on this journey.
But it is not the starting point.
Taking supplements right from the start will not allow you to maximize your own potential.
You will not be able to say what your body reacts to naturally.
And you will create a dangerous minds set that supplements are the real answer to big muscular body.
The only supplement you should take right from the start is multi-vitamin.
This is to give your body the extra vitamins it needs when you workout hard in the gym.
but the extra protein and carbohydrates it needs should come from you regular ectomorph diet.
Think of it this way - If you are learning to drive, would Ferrari be the car you start with? When you just learned to read, is Moby Dick the book you'd read? Just because it is available to you and you could even handle it, it does not make it the best choice.
So how do you know when you are ready to start taking the supplements? Of course, there is no exact time line, but give it at least 18 months of hard workout with proper diet.
But I really mean hard ectomorph workout, with a good ectomorph diet plan.
Otherwise, you are cheating yourself.
If you are still making progress after that time, then wait some more.
Which Ones To Take? Now to answer the harder question - what supplement to take? As an ectomorph bodybuilder, you definitely want some weight-gain product.
These are typically products that consists of about 80% of carbs and 20% of proteins.
Many times, the manufacturer adds tons of other stuff to it, most of which you do not need and it only increases the price.
You may also want to try to combine the weight-gainer with some clean protein supplement.
I personally would go with whey protein.
But do not over-use it.
Too much protein is a waste of your money and it is a fairly hard work for your digestive system.
To put it in plain English - your farts will smell horribly.
There's one more product I'd recommend, if you can afford it.
Pre-workout supplement.
These are designed to give you a boost of energy during your workout, resulting in harder workout, higher weights and overall better performance (sorry guys, only in the gym).
What Not To Take? Other than these three, you really do not need anything else.
No aminoacids, no Creatine, no Acai Berry...
Protein, carbs and workout booster will do just fine for you.
What brand to use is really up to you.
Most products in these categories are similar, but beware of manufactures driving the price up either by adding unnecessary stuff into the product.
Also, you best calculate the cost/benefit ration by checking out the recommended use against the price.
Some products may seem cheaper, but they may require a higher dosage to give you the same effect.
Steroids vs Supplements.
Now, if you read my previous article about steroids, you may be asking: "But isn't the use of supplements creating an artificial body, like steroids do".
Well, I don't think so.
When it comes to protein and weight-gain supplements, they will simply provide your body nutrition.
The same nutrition you give your body with regular food.
The only difference is, that it (typically) comes concentrated in a glass of milk shake.
Yes, steroids typically increase the hormonal level of the hormones your body already produces itself, but unlike a protein shake, this is done in a complete unbalance towards other hormones.
Put it simply - steroids are chemistry based, protein shakes are nutrition based.