Things to Do With Baby in the Winter
- An indoor swimming class with your baby can melt away winter blues.swimming image by Christopher Hall from
Just because it might be cold and snowy outside doesn't mean that you and your baby can't have a great time indoors. Be creative with art projects, read your favorite books, have a dance party or a pajama day. Build a fort with couch cushions and pillows. Whatever you decide to do, don't let the weather get you down. There are plenty of fun activities you can enjoy that don't depend on the climate. - Babies love to dress up. Hats, scarves, shoes and bags can provide loads of entertainment. Try on different articles of clothing and look at yourselves in the mirror. If you don't have any play clothes for your baby, break out some of your old clothes and shoes from the closet. You'd be surprised how much your baby would love to look like mommy or daddy. Don't forget to take photos or videos; they will make great keepsakes.
- What baby doesn't love to hit and make noise? Make the living room floor your stage. Have pots, pans, plastic containers and mixing bowls be your instruments. Plastic or wooden kitchen utensils and measuring cups can be your drumsticks. Play loudly and quietly. Sing songs while you play; you can even make up some silly songs of your own.
- Research what your community has to offer. Usually libraries have a story time for children; while you are there you can borrow a special book or movie. Your local pool might offer parent and baby swimming lessons. Indoor gyms or play areas are a great place for exercise and socialization. Some churches even offer morning play groups.
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