Can"t Really Live Without Your Ex? - 3 Key Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Make the Decision
But now you have had time to think.
The roller coaster of emotion you have felt is now finally dwindling down.
You look back at your relationship, saw the ups, the downs and the in-between.
What happened? - Why did the relationship ended? Was it done in a moment of anger? What were you fighting about? More often than not, breaks up happen on a spur of the moment anger and is usually over a single issue and not about the whole relationship.
Look at your relationship over a new perspective, see your ex for he really was and see yourself also on how you handle your relationship with this person.
Think of your relationship and gauge your reactions.
What Should I Do? - Having analyzed your relationship, how did you react? Are you mad, bitter, have bad vibes and the quarrels are the one that invades your thoughts? Then you should probably think twice about getting your ex back.
But if you feel remorse, sorry or remember the good times and how much you feel for this guy and realize that you actually can work out your problems, and know that these problems are just part of a normal relationship between two adults, then you should take steps to get your ex back.
What's The Final Decision - Now, decide whether or not you want your ex back, If you do, then you should plan your strategy carefully to get your ex back.
Make sure you take care of yourself and is ready to face your ex anytime with the confidence he fell in love with you initially.