Weight Loss Tips - How the Most Successful Dieters Keep the Weight Off
Everyone these days seems to be on some sort of diet.
Whether it is weight loss related or keeping in good health, the diets are ideally the same.
However, there are a couple types of dieters when it comes to weight loss.
The first type is the disciplined dieter, the one who had the weight once in their life and will do just about anything to never take it back.
And then there is the "why me?" dieter who just cannot seem to get that last 20 pounds off for the life of them.
These individuals try every diet plan and diet pill in the book.
So why isn't it working? Because the truth is: there aren't any magic solutions.
The only way to get the weight off and keep it off is by your own doing.
Simply saying something like "keeping the weight off is all about your doing" seems easy for a fit, healthy, disciplined person, but what about those who aren't born with those same qualities it seems these lucky ones have? The answer to that is that life is just that.
There just isn't a 'level playing field' law in nature.
However, each and every person questions this at some point in their life, including the ones in great shape.
So how does a person born onto a less fortunate playing field get to where the ideal ones are? Through a lot of hard work.
Losing weight is no easy task, but anyone can do it.
I have known children who have lost over 20 pounds in 3rd grade.
The ones who lost that weight had something many did not, will-power.
You are the one who will decide whether or not it is time to lose weight.
First step in the process is acceptance of where you are at mentally and who you are losing this weight for.
That person, by the way, must always be you.
If your heart is not into it, the rest of you will ultimately decide not to follow.
Many people do lose weight very quickly through the use of fad diets and weight loss pills.
However, that weight is merely lost usually due to water loss, not too much fat loss.
Fat is what you are targeting and that takes time.
Maybe even 2 pounds a week.
It takes a daily exercise schedule and quality diet to reap these rewards.
Now while it is very possible that a person weighing 200 pounds could reach Paris Hilton's weight, that sort of weight loss would come with some potentially dangerous health problems and a person should speak with their physician if they are planning to go to those extremes with their diet.
The most ideal weight a person should shoot for would be a weight that they feel most comfortable at.
Whenever I see a person depriving themselves of food claiming they are "on a diet" I always have to ask them what exactly they are doing to achieve this.
Their response is usually a look of disbelief that I asked such a question after seeing their plate, then they explain that they are just not eating.
That is exactly the opposite of what a person is supposed to do.
It is all about a healthy balance in consistent meals throughout the day.
Now I am not a total expert, but I am quite an information junkie and I have done my research on this topic and this will not do it.
It will only damage your body.
In order to really lose weight and, most importantly keep it off, would be to educate yourself on eating healthy and exercising daily.
I won't lie when I say exercise either.
You will need to have at least an hour or so or doing more than just walking down the block.
Did you know that when you are working out, the first 15 minutes or so is simply during the calories already in your system? No fat is burned until after this process is through.
Weight loss is not easy, but anyone can do it.
Some just have to work harder than others in many cases, but overall, everyone is required to have the same discipline in their daily routines in regards to their eating habits, exercise program, their mindset (remember, it has to be for you!), realistic goals, and most importantly, making sure that you cater your program to what you must take on while rewarding yourself continuously.
These are the things the most successful individuals have referred to after losing the weight and keeping it off.
Soon you will see it in all the great successes and once you see it and you believe it, it will be your turn to become it.
Here's to success!
Whether it is weight loss related or keeping in good health, the diets are ideally the same.
However, there are a couple types of dieters when it comes to weight loss.
The first type is the disciplined dieter, the one who had the weight once in their life and will do just about anything to never take it back.
And then there is the "why me?" dieter who just cannot seem to get that last 20 pounds off for the life of them.
These individuals try every diet plan and diet pill in the book.
So why isn't it working? Because the truth is: there aren't any magic solutions.
The only way to get the weight off and keep it off is by your own doing.
Simply saying something like "keeping the weight off is all about your doing" seems easy for a fit, healthy, disciplined person, but what about those who aren't born with those same qualities it seems these lucky ones have? The answer to that is that life is just that.
There just isn't a 'level playing field' law in nature.
However, each and every person questions this at some point in their life, including the ones in great shape.
So how does a person born onto a less fortunate playing field get to where the ideal ones are? Through a lot of hard work.
Losing weight is no easy task, but anyone can do it.
I have known children who have lost over 20 pounds in 3rd grade.
The ones who lost that weight had something many did not, will-power.
You are the one who will decide whether or not it is time to lose weight.
First step in the process is acceptance of where you are at mentally and who you are losing this weight for.
That person, by the way, must always be you.
If your heart is not into it, the rest of you will ultimately decide not to follow.
Many people do lose weight very quickly through the use of fad diets and weight loss pills.
However, that weight is merely lost usually due to water loss, not too much fat loss.
Fat is what you are targeting and that takes time.
Maybe even 2 pounds a week.
It takes a daily exercise schedule and quality diet to reap these rewards.
Now while it is very possible that a person weighing 200 pounds could reach Paris Hilton's weight, that sort of weight loss would come with some potentially dangerous health problems and a person should speak with their physician if they are planning to go to those extremes with their diet.
The most ideal weight a person should shoot for would be a weight that they feel most comfortable at.
Whenever I see a person depriving themselves of food claiming they are "on a diet" I always have to ask them what exactly they are doing to achieve this.
Their response is usually a look of disbelief that I asked such a question after seeing their plate, then they explain that they are just not eating.
That is exactly the opposite of what a person is supposed to do.
It is all about a healthy balance in consistent meals throughout the day.
Now I am not a total expert, but I am quite an information junkie and I have done my research on this topic and this will not do it.
It will only damage your body.
In order to really lose weight and, most importantly keep it off, would be to educate yourself on eating healthy and exercising daily.
I won't lie when I say exercise either.
You will need to have at least an hour or so or doing more than just walking down the block.
Did you know that when you are working out, the first 15 minutes or so is simply during the calories already in your system? No fat is burned until after this process is through.
Weight loss is not easy, but anyone can do it.
Some just have to work harder than others in many cases, but overall, everyone is required to have the same discipline in their daily routines in regards to their eating habits, exercise program, their mindset (remember, it has to be for you!), realistic goals, and most importantly, making sure that you cater your program to what you must take on while rewarding yourself continuously.
These are the things the most successful individuals have referred to after losing the weight and keeping it off.
Soon you will see it in all the great successes and once you see it and you believe it, it will be your turn to become it.
Here's to success!