Infant Adoption Gifts
- A diaper bag filled with necessities for a baby, such as a baby brush, nail clippers, thermometer, pacifier, teething ring, teething gel and baby lotion is a useful gift. Diapers in different sizes to accommodate a growing infant are always welcome gifts that are certain to be used. Ask the adoptive parents if they intend to use cloth or disposable diapers and if they have a brand name preference. Parents using a diaper service won't need as many diapers, but they will want some on hand for spares or emergencies. Every baby needs an infant car seat, and adopted infants need bottles and formula. Bedding, blankets, burp rags, towels, washcloths or baby wipes are other items parents will need for their new child.
- Infants grow quickly, so newborn size clothing will not last long. Parents will be happy to receive clothing in sizes their baby will grow into. Babies never have enough socks, and onesies or T-shirts in different sizes come in handy. An outfit or shirt with the insignia of a parent's favorite sports team will bring a smile. If the adopted infant is from a foreign country, a traditional costume from the child's native country is a cute gift idea.
- Many people like to receive personalized or homemade gifts that become keepsakes for their children. A personalized photo frame with the infant's birth date and adoption date engraved on it is a good gift, especially when accompanied by a gift certificate to a studio for a family picture. Crocheted or knitted baby sweaters, afghans and booties are special when handmade by someone near and dear to the family. Many stores carry lines of baby books that have space especially for adoptive families in which parents can put information about the day they brought their baby home rather than the traditional hospital information.
- If adoptive parents already have the necessities, clothing and furniture they need for their baby, you may want to give a gift of money. Creative ways to give monetary gifts include starting a college fund, buying a savings bond for the child, providing a life insurance policy or putting money into a decorative piggy bank and giving it to the baby. Parents of children adopted from other countries often appreciate an honorary gift in their child's name for the orphanage the child came from. Consult the family members for information on honorariums.
Personalized Gifts
Monetary Gifts