Obama"s Debt Relief For Credit Card Holders - How to Legally Eliminate Credit Card Debts
This bill is aimed at protecting the consumers from hidden and rising interest rates on the card. Obama while signing the bill made it clear that "there are many, who are trying to come out of debt but their credit card company has made it difficult and baffling". This bill protects the uncertain increase in interest rate without any notification prior to 45 days to their planned day.
This bill also forbids the card issuers from executing increased rate on the existing payable balance due to late payment. It is stated that the interest rate is not supposed to get increased within the 60 days from the date of billing. And also, the credit card issuers are needed to divulge all the terms and conditions of their card online. On this significant issue, Obama said "the card company has to post its contract and we'll scrutinize them to make out if any new protection of consumers' interest is required.
The President has now paved a new way for the people to get rid of their card debts. This is proving to be good news for people with credit card and in order to manage their finances recommending them to visit a relief network. The concerned steps should be followed to eliminate debt are.
* Don't make a mistake of closing your card account; this can lead to damage of all your credit history. Do maintain all the major card accounts and try to rebuild your credit.
* Cut all your cards into two major credit cards. And start a habit of paying monthly payments.
* Focus on a card which is affecting your monthly cash flow and pay attention on the card with highest minimum monthly payment, this will help to reduce the liabilities. Beside this, don't forget about the other cards too.
If you are over $10,000 in unsecured debt it would be wise to contact a debt settlement company while conditions are so favorable. A legitimate debt settlement company will be able to eliminate 60% of your unsecured debt on average. There are now online services that will compare debt settlement companies for consumers and provide a top performing company in their area. To locate a top performing debt settlement company in your area check out the link below.
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