Ed Parker And Bruce Lee Betrayed The Martial Arts!
I always take delight in pointing out that people like Ed Parker and Bruce Lee were bad people in the martial arts.
People always get upset with me and even want to bodyslam me and teach me a lesson.
Then, when I tell them what is really what, they can't do anything but mumble a lot.
Ed Parker apparently never made it to Black Belt in the system he learned from William K.
Heck, midway through teaching his students in the US, he had to go home to Hawaii because he ran out of techniques and needed more.
And, Professor Chow refused to teach him more.
So he made up stuff, hired a kung fu artist to help make up new forms and techniques, restructured his system (five times), and so on.
The result was that he could award tenth degree black belts, hold tournaments, start chains of schools, and word has it that he was only a brown belt.
And the whole world was fooled into thinking that he was the grand poobah of martial arts, and hardly anybody but a dedicated Kenpoist knows who his instructor was.
And if you think Ed Parker was bad, wait until you consider Bruce Lee! Word has it that Bruce 'The Little Dragon' Lee didn't finish his Wing Chun training.
He was apparently involved in the street gangs of Kong Kong, and his parents finally had enough of his bad ways and sent him to cool off in America! In America, though he hadn't completed his Ving Tsun training, he started teaching that combative art openly.
Not knowing the whole wing chun art, though, he began bolstering it up with martial arts techniques from boxing, fencing, and 24 other martial arts styles.
Yes, he was a sponge, but he was teaching Kung Fu to anybody who wanted it, betraying his race (according to some), and teaching stuff that went far beyond the classical fighting arts.
He was teaching a wild eclectic Jeet Kune Do style that went far beyond the classical karate kata training of the time.
The upshot of all this was a fight with no winner (Wong Jack Man), and then he throws it all away to try and make it in Hollywood! Is that the mark of a dedicated kung fu instructor? Or is that some unbalanced fellow giving it all up for fame and glory? Now, it is time for this writer to admit to a solemn fact.
Most of you readers know what I am about anyway.
I am partaking in a little yellow journalism just to be sarcastic.
Ed Parker, Bruce Lee, and other inventors studied sufficient in the eastern fighting arts to know what it was, then they chose, for whatever reasons, their own directions.
They then outshone their teachers, and expanded the field of the martial arts to the benefit of all.
Yes, Bruce Lee and Ed Parker were traitors, as are all true artists, as need to be anybody who wants to go beyond same old same old training methods and learn the true martial arts.
People always get upset with me and even want to bodyslam me and teach me a lesson.
Then, when I tell them what is really what, they can't do anything but mumble a lot.
Ed Parker apparently never made it to Black Belt in the system he learned from William K.
Heck, midway through teaching his students in the US, he had to go home to Hawaii because he ran out of techniques and needed more.
And, Professor Chow refused to teach him more.
So he made up stuff, hired a kung fu artist to help make up new forms and techniques, restructured his system (five times), and so on.
The result was that he could award tenth degree black belts, hold tournaments, start chains of schools, and word has it that he was only a brown belt.
And the whole world was fooled into thinking that he was the grand poobah of martial arts, and hardly anybody but a dedicated Kenpoist knows who his instructor was.
And if you think Ed Parker was bad, wait until you consider Bruce Lee! Word has it that Bruce 'The Little Dragon' Lee didn't finish his Wing Chun training.
He was apparently involved in the street gangs of Kong Kong, and his parents finally had enough of his bad ways and sent him to cool off in America! In America, though he hadn't completed his Ving Tsun training, he started teaching that combative art openly.
Not knowing the whole wing chun art, though, he began bolstering it up with martial arts techniques from boxing, fencing, and 24 other martial arts styles.
Yes, he was a sponge, but he was teaching Kung Fu to anybody who wanted it, betraying his race (according to some), and teaching stuff that went far beyond the classical fighting arts.
He was teaching a wild eclectic Jeet Kune Do style that went far beyond the classical karate kata training of the time.
The upshot of all this was a fight with no winner (Wong Jack Man), and then he throws it all away to try and make it in Hollywood! Is that the mark of a dedicated kung fu instructor? Or is that some unbalanced fellow giving it all up for fame and glory? Now, it is time for this writer to admit to a solemn fact.
Most of you readers know what I am about anyway.
I am partaking in a little yellow journalism just to be sarcastic.
Ed Parker, Bruce Lee, and other inventors studied sufficient in the eastern fighting arts to know what it was, then they chose, for whatever reasons, their own directions.
They then outshone their teachers, and expanded the field of the martial arts to the benefit of all.
Yes, Bruce Lee and Ed Parker were traitors, as are all true artists, as need to be anybody who wants to go beyond same old same old training methods and learn the true martial arts.