A Reader"s Take On Fate Vs Free Will
I have noticed over the years that people are often nonplussed at the way they find me or are directed to my reading room: one person had felt 'drawn' to this area, but couldn't understand or explain why, another had no intention to visit me upon leaving the house that morning and arrived without conscious intent, yet another had turned down the wrong road and spotted my sign and had felt 'pulled' inside.
When I point out that it is no accident that they are here, they usually laugh ruefully as they recognize the truth in that statement.
'You are supposed to be here,' I tell them gently.
'There is something of import that the Universe needs you to know.
' And, invariably, upon reading their layout, there is, indeed, an important message or guidance offered at just the right time.
So, these people had set out to do certain things (Free Will) but found themselves at my place without really intending to come here (Fate).
It is, to me, an acknowledged fact that Fate and Free Will are not two separate entities: they are siblings; they hold hands and walk together.
Sometimes, Fate will help you get to where you need to be and sometimes Free Will will allow you space to do what you need to do.
As much as Fate and Free Will seem to be contradictory in nature, they often work together, or balance each other out.
Let's face it, too much reliance on Fate suggests excessively passive energy, while too much focus on Free Will suggests a 'my way or the highway' type of energy.
Most of you know that we are all on different 'lifepaths' as I call them.
Each of us has a series of smaller lessons and a few whoppers to learn while on our lifepath and most of us try, at one point or another, to outsmart the Big Guy by taking a shortcut, hoping it will get us ahead on the path.
This never works.
You will know you are off your path when you feel like you are up to your neck in quicksand and any move just sucks you deeper.
Relax, for unless you have done something diabolical, the Big Guy will dispatch an emissary to rescue you.
And back on your path you are plunked.
In my view, this lifetime, or 'reality' is a classroom, albeit a big classroom, and we are all here to learn our lessons, go to school, fail sometimes (and that's okay, you will just need to take the class again...
the majority of folks fail in 'Breaking Cycles in Relationships 101' and need to repeat the class quite a few times.
They usually pass when they are in their late 40's) and persist over the years until we finally get to graduation.
And what do you think is the ultimate goal in this school? What is the biggest lesson we are here to learn, do you think? Expanding on the idea of a lifepath seems to involve Fate, or predestination in a major way.
We all have a set of 'blueprints', or plans if you like, which we know of prior to arriving here, but which are absorbed into our being and remembered in our cells while forgotten by our brains.
The connector tool that links us to this inner knowledge is known as the intuition and is our 6th sense, which guides us along our path.
(The intuition is based on trusting that there is a higher power; something we may not be able to see or touch...
like the air: we cannot see it or touch it, but it keeps us alive! Ergo, if an individual is committed to Free Will, and does not trust in the existence of a greater power, then it will be mighty hard for that person to hear and heed the God-given voice of his or her intuition.
) Whenever we go against our intuition, or inner voice, we are no longer following our path.
The intuition is primarily a warning system against wrong movements or decisions.
So the blueprints and the lifepath seem to support the concept and presence of Fate, or an unalterable chain or course of events.
If anyone has read about Chaldean numerology (See my article on same, this site), then you will understand the connection when I say that the number 9 is a sacred number that brings us home, is spiritual and compassionate...
and that Fate, just like the name energy of Jesus Christ, totals to a 9.
Fate is another way of saying that a higher power is at work.
It holds the same energy.
Free Will, on the other hand, is individual and personal and has everything to do with control.
Free Will belongs to each of us and its source lies in our brain.
In the brain, which is ruled by logic, hopefully, reside a series of choices that are based on information and knowledge and are motivated by desire and the drive for success, achievement and gain.
Free Will is very much rooted in the 'reality' of this Earth plane and is ruled by the Ego, or sense of self.
Free Will says 'I am in control of my life.
I will make my life what I want it to be.
I am free and I choose not to believe in anything other than what I can see and touch and that which I create.
' There is generally not that much wiggle room in a brain that is set on Free Will.
However, there is a very high possibility that strong believers in Free Will will, at some point, experience an epiphany or experience that will open or expose them to the existence of Fate or predestiny.
What they choose to believe then may change their lives, but in the meantime, there is no such thing as Fate and they are the masters of their domains.
(Free Will totals to a 6 in Chaldean numerology -- this energy is all about feeling safe and nurtured in a secure, safe place where love is shared -- but this place also shuts out unwelcome intrusion.
) I would suggest that the best and most productive manner of approaching Fate and Free Will is to understand that they are both present in our lives.
Sometimes we need to release the need to maintain control over our lives (and this is usually manifested by chaos in our situations) and to acknowledge that we are not, ultimately, in supreme and final control over the content and direction of our existence.
I realize that some people will find that concept difficult, if not impossible to swallow and that is okay, too.
Just being exposed to an idea often plants a seed and seeds have a way of sprouting, even from solid rock.
Being secure enough in the self to accept the possible existence of something greater than us is an act of Free Will in itself.
('I Choose to accept this possibility.
') While we may choose to understand the reality of an unseen element in our so-called 'reality' and thereby give a nod to Fate, we are still free to make our own choices, but once seen, the concept of Fate cannot be 'unseen'.
The seed is planted.
Fate and Free Will are intertwined.
I often tell my clients, who come to me to find out what Fate has in store for them that 'nothing is set in stone...
we all have Free Will.
' So, you see, I truly do believe that the two Fs are connected and that they exist together.
What The Big Guy has in mind for you, you may alter by your actions.
In fact, you may alter anything in your life: quit your job, divorce your wife, marry your boyfriend, move to Alabama, buy a motor home and set out to see the world...
but this is only a 'sidetrip' if it is not coded into your Fate.
If you are meant to be a solitary traveller in this lifetime, you will soon divorce.
If you are meant to live in New Orleans, you will not stay in Alabama long...
a fantastic job opportunity will present itself shortly after you get there and it will be in New Orleans.
If you buy a motor home and set out to see the world but you are not supposed to leave Alaska, you will encounter all manner of roadblocks that will prevent you from leaving.
Sounds crazy? It's not.
It is reality on the lifepath of Fate and Free Will.
No one knows what Fate has in store for them and we can only access an approximate outline of our lifepath destiny by choosing (Free Will) for example, to have an astrological chart calculated, or perhaps a Chaldean numerology report done.
So, you can see how the two Fs co-exist, right? I wondered earlier if anyone knew what this school is trying to teach us through all the trials and tribulations that occur during our lifepaths.
The ultimate goal, the biggest lesson is so simple and yet it is the hardest to learn, for it must begin within ourselves; only then can we share it with others.
And yes, it is unconditional love.
When I point out that it is no accident that they are here, they usually laugh ruefully as they recognize the truth in that statement.
'You are supposed to be here,' I tell them gently.
'There is something of import that the Universe needs you to know.
' And, invariably, upon reading their layout, there is, indeed, an important message or guidance offered at just the right time.
So, these people had set out to do certain things (Free Will) but found themselves at my place without really intending to come here (Fate).
It is, to me, an acknowledged fact that Fate and Free Will are not two separate entities: they are siblings; they hold hands and walk together.
Sometimes, Fate will help you get to where you need to be and sometimes Free Will will allow you space to do what you need to do.
As much as Fate and Free Will seem to be contradictory in nature, they often work together, or balance each other out.
Let's face it, too much reliance on Fate suggests excessively passive energy, while too much focus on Free Will suggests a 'my way or the highway' type of energy.
Most of you know that we are all on different 'lifepaths' as I call them.
Each of us has a series of smaller lessons and a few whoppers to learn while on our lifepath and most of us try, at one point or another, to outsmart the Big Guy by taking a shortcut, hoping it will get us ahead on the path.
This never works.
You will know you are off your path when you feel like you are up to your neck in quicksand and any move just sucks you deeper.
Relax, for unless you have done something diabolical, the Big Guy will dispatch an emissary to rescue you.
And back on your path you are plunked.
In my view, this lifetime, or 'reality' is a classroom, albeit a big classroom, and we are all here to learn our lessons, go to school, fail sometimes (and that's okay, you will just need to take the class again...
the majority of folks fail in 'Breaking Cycles in Relationships 101' and need to repeat the class quite a few times.
They usually pass when they are in their late 40's) and persist over the years until we finally get to graduation.
And what do you think is the ultimate goal in this school? What is the biggest lesson we are here to learn, do you think? Expanding on the idea of a lifepath seems to involve Fate, or predestination in a major way.
We all have a set of 'blueprints', or plans if you like, which we know of prior to arriving here, but which are absorbed into our being and remembered in our cells while forgotten by our brains.
The connector tool that links us to this inner knowledge is known as the intuition and is our 6th sense, which guides us along our path.
(The intuition is based on trusting that there is a higher power; something we may not be able to see or touch...
like the air: we cannot see it or touch it, but it keeps us alive! Ergo, if an individual is committed to Free Will, and does not trust in the existence of a greater power, then it will be mighty hard for that person to hear and heed the God-given voice of his or her intuition.
) Whenever we go against our intuition, or inner voice, we are no longer following our path.
The intuition is primarily a warning system against wrong movements or decisions.
So the blueprints and the lifepath seem to support the concept and presence of Fate, or an unalterable chain or course of events.
If anyone has read about Chaldean numerology (See my article on same, this site), then you will understand the connection when I say that the number 9 is a sacred number that brings us home, is spiritual and compassionate...
and that Fate, just like the name energy of Jesus Christ, totals to a 9.
Fate is another way of saying that a higher power is at work.
It holds the same energy.
Free Will, on the other hand, is individual and personal and has everything to do with control.
Free Will belongs to each of us and its source lies in our brain.
In the brain, which is ruled by logic, hopefully, reside a series of choices that are based on information and knowledge and are motivated by desire and the drive for success, achievement and gain.
Free Will is very much rooted in the 'reality' of this Earth plane and is ruled by the Ego, or sense of self.
Free Will says 'I am in control of my life.
I will make my life what I want it to be.
I am free and I choose not to believe in anything other than what I can see and touch and that which I create.
' There is generally not that much wiggle room in a brain that is set on Free Will.
However, there is a very high possibility that strong believers in Free Will will, at some point, experience an epiphany or experience that will open or expose them to the existence of Fate or predestiny.
What they choose to believe then may change their lives, but in the meantime, there is no such thing as Fate and they are the masters of their domains.
(Free Will totals to a 6 in Chaldean numerology -- this energy is all about feeling safe and nurtured in a secure, safe place where love is shared -- but this place also shuts out unwelcome intrusion.
) I would suggest that the best and most productive manner of approaching Fate and Free Will is to understand that they are both present in our lives.
Sometimes we need to release the need to maintain control over our lives (and this is usually manifested by chaos in our situations) and to acknowledge that we are not, ultimately, in supreme and final control over the content and direction of our existence.
I realize that some people will find that concept difficult, if not impossible to swallow and that is okay, too.
Just being exposed to an idea often plants a seed and seeds have a way of sprouting, even from solid rock.
Being secure enough in the self to accept the possible existence of something greater than us is an act of Free Will in itself.
('I Choose to accept this possibility.
') While we may choose to understand the reality of an unseen element in our so-called 'reality' and thereby give a nod to Fate, we are still free to make our own choices, but once seen, the concept of Fate cannot be 'unseen'.
The seed is planted.
Fate and Free Will are intertwined.
I often tell my clients, who come to me to find out what Fate has in store for them that 'nothing is set in stone...
we all have Free Will.
' So, you see, I truly do believe that the two Fs are connected and that they exist together.
What The Big Guy has in mind for you, you may alter by your actions.
In fact, you may alter anything in your life: quit your job, divorce your wife, marry your boyfriend, move to Alabama, buy a motor home and set out to see the world...
but this is only a 'sidetrip' if it is not coded into your Fate.
If you are meant to be a solitary traveller in this lifetime, you will soon divorce.
If you are meant to live in New Orleans, you will not stay in Alabama long...
a fantastic job opportunity will present itself shortly after you get there and it will be in New Orleans.
If you buy a motor home and set out to see the world but you are not supposed to leave Alaska, you will encounter all manner of roadblocks that will prevent you from leaving.
Sounds crazy? It's not.
It is reality on the lifepath of Fate and Free Will.
No one knows what Fate has in store for them and we can only access an approximate outline of our lifepath destiny by choosing (Free Will) for example, to have an astrological chart calculated, or perhaps a Chaldean numerology report done.
So, you can see how the two Fs co-exist, right? I wondered earlier if anyone knew what this school is trying to teach us through all the trials and tribulations that occur during our lifepaths.
The ultimate goal, the biggest lesson is so simple and yet it is the hardest to learn, for it must begin within ourselves; only then can we share it with others.
And yes, it is unconditional love.