Teeth Whitening Kits – Do They Work?
With all the perfect white teeth parading their way across the big screen these days, it is clear that Hollywood stars implement some form of teeth whitening or another to make them look their very best during their close-ups. Many movie stars are able to spend thousands of dollars on professional dental treatments, but most people do not have this kind of cash to blow on a cosmetic treatment. That is why teeth whitening kits have hit the market in the past few years. The question on the table is, do these at-home whitening kits really work?
You may be interested in learning the answer to this question if your teeth look yellow even against an off-white shirt. You may be at the end of your rope, desperately hoping for the answer to the above question to be "yes." Fortunately, this can indeed be the answer as long as two requirements are met. First, the teeth whitening kits you buy must come from a reliable source. Second, the reason for your yellow teeth must be due to nasty stuff caught in the enamel pores of your teeth in order for whitening to work.
In assessing the first requirement, you may find yourself at a loss as to which at-home teeth whitening kits are worth the money and which ones are a waste. There are a few points to examine about the kit you are interested in before you make your purchase. First, how much gel comes with the kit? The more whitening gel you get, the whiter your teeth can become. You will want to compare gel amounts with the cost for the kit. Second, have people had success with the brand in the past? Startup companies selling teeth whitening kits have not proven themselves yet, but a company that has been selling to individuals and dentists for years obviously have a product worth exploring.
The second requirement for success with teeth whitening kits is based on what has caused the staining to occur. When gunk is trapped in the enamel, teeth can be bleached white, but if the enamel itself has become discolored, teeth whitening kits might not work for you. Dead teeth or intrinsic stains caused by overdosing on fluoride or antibiotics will be resistant to teeth whitening. Finally, you should not use teeth whitening if you have cavities that have not been filled because this could cause great pain.
You may be interested in learning the answer to this question if your teeth look yellow even against an off-white shirt. You may be at the end of your rope, desperately hoping for the answer to the above question to be "yes." Fortunately, this can indeed be the answer as long as two requirements are met. First, the teeth whitening kits you buy must come from a reliable source. Second, the reason for your yellow teeth must be due to nasty stuff caught in the enamel pores of your teeth in order for whitening to work.
In assessing the first requirement, you may find yourself at a loss as to which at-home teeth whitening kits are worth the money and which ones are a waste. There are a few points to examine about the kit you are interested in before you make your purchase. First, how much gel comes with the kit? The more whitening gel you get, the whiter your teeth can become. You will want to compare gel amounts with the cost for the kit. Second, have people had success with the brand in the past? Startup companies selling teeth whitening kits have not proven themselves yet, but a company that has been selling to individuals and dentists for years obviously have a product worth exploring.
The second requirement for success with teeth whitening kits is based on what has caused the staining to occur. When gunk is trapped in the enamel, teeth can be bleached white, but if the enamel itself has become discolored, teeth whitening kits might not work for you. Dead teeth or intrinsic stains caused by overdosing on fluoride or antibiotics will be resistant to teeth whitening. Finally, you should not use teeth whitening if you have cavities that have not been filled because this could cause great pain.