Unique Ways to Propose
- Those advertisements you see before a movie aren't just for businesses -- you can buy them, too. Contact your local movie theater; they can tell you what you need to do design an ad that will work with their equipment. Make arrangements to run your ad before the film during your next movie date -- make sure to get there early. If you like, you may be able to get the refreshment stand to tuck a ring box below the top layer of popcorn in your tub.
- Write your proposal on a piece of paper, roll it up and slip it into a small bottle. Cork the bottle tightly, and slip it into a pocket of your bulkiest jacket. Take her for a romantic walk along the ocean shore. When her attention is elsewhere, toss the bottle into the shallowest waves near the shore, then point and ask her, "Hey, what's that?" Have a ring ready to offer to her when she has finished reading the note.
- You will have to arrange this well in advance with the director or stage manager, but you can be certain that neither your fiancee nor anyone else who witnesses your proposal will ever forget it. Take her to a play. A minute or so before the end of the show, excuse yourself, and make your way backstage. After the cast has finished its curtain calls, the stars of the show will bring you onstage -- where you will drop to one knee and pop the question. Make sure there's a "leading lady" bouquet waiting in the wings that you can present to her once she says "Yes."
- Meet her downtown for lunch. Pack a picnic, and eat it in a public park. Make it seem very spur-of-the-moment so she'll never know you've been planning this for months. Make sure you're seated in the prearranged spot at the prearranged time for her to witness the flash mob performance you've arranged: Get at least 15 people to come into the park, mill around seemingly at random and then "freeze" right in front of your girlfriend. Each person in the mob should be wearing a shirt bearing one letter in the phrase, "Will you marry me?" and should "freeze" so their shirts spell out your message from where she is sitting.
Big Screen
Set the Stage
Flash Mob