What Are Some Freshwater Plants?
- Anacharis is a tall, bushy plant that is ideal for beginners because of its ease of care. The plant is usually grouped in bushels and can either secure itself to the substrate with roots or even continue growing while free floating. It can also provide a shelter for small fish, particularly fry (baby fish) or guppies. Anacharis may be eaten by your tank's inhabitants, however, particularly if you have turtles, and is relatively easy to uproot.
- Sword plants have long, flat, slender leaves that emanate from a single bud. There are numerous varieties of this plant. The Amazon sword is the largest, with leaves growing up to two feet long and suitable only for larger aquariums. The Brazilian sword is another variety. It is notably smaller and appropriate for small- to medium-sized tanks. Another variety is the micro sword, which grows in patches and can be used as a carpet for the aquarium.
- Banana plants are popular because of their convenient size and high tolerance of various water temperatures. These plants are given their name by their unusual shape, which resembles a bundle of 6-inch-tall bananas. They are capable of withstanding water temperatures from the mid-60s to mid-80s Fahrenheit.
- Lilies have a single large disk-like leaf that floats atop the surface of water, usually dangling some roots below. These plants are excellent for ponds, as they keep out excess sunlight that is attributed to annoying algal blooms as well as provide shelter for small fish.
- Java ferns and java moss are extraordinarily versatile plants, with the former growing to around 8 inches tall and capable of living partially out of water. Java ferns anchor themselves to rocks or driftwood, rarely using the substrate for their roots, which makes them ideal for tanks with fish that enjoy burrowing. The moss carpets the bottom of the aquarium and typically anchors itself to gravel or thin rocks. However, care should be taken with Java moss not to let it take over your aquarium, so add it in small amounts to curtail its aggressive growing tendencies.
Banana Plants