Getting Your Ex Back - How to Get Your Ex to Start Talking to You Again?
Whether you like or not, you have to accept it and move on.
Difficult as it may seem, you're actually doing more harm than good.
The more you contact him or her, the bigger the wedge you're driving between you two.
Do as your ex has been begging of you.
Stop calling, stop emailing, and get a life! This is not meant to sound mean.
In fact, chances are when you were ½ of "we", you likely neglected the most important person in the relationship ~ you.
Rediscover the friends and family you seemingly neglected.
Go to the movies, check out some new restaurants.
Take up a hobby.
Try different things if you're not sure what interests you.
You may discover you have a talent for making pottery or despite what you thought all these years, you do have a green thumb.
Grow a garden.
There's nothing like creating and nurturing life to take the focus off you and stop dwelling.
One day you'll realize that you haven't thought about your ex in a week.
Without noticing, that week will turn into a month or two months and your ex will suddenly become a fleeting thought.
If you want to, ask a family member or a friend to filter information back to your ex.
Let it "slip out" that won first place at the county fair for the most beautiful orchid or that your pottery is being featured at a gallery downtown.
Not only will your ex wonder what changed that you went from this needy stalker to suddenly ignoring him or her.
After a period of time while you are on your new journey, you will run into your ex or maybe that relative invited him or her to your gallery opening and before you know it, you're both talking and it'll be clear to him or her that you're doing well on your own.
Your ex WILL like what he or she sees.
Suddenly, he or she will say, "Things weren't so bad between us, were they?" That's How you Get Your Ex to Start Talking to You Again! But take it slowly!