How to Keep Stray Dogs Away From Backyard
1Put a fence up around your yard. The easiest way to keep stray dogs and other animals out of your yard is to fence the yard. However, if your yard is large, or money is an issue, then fencing the yard might not be possible.
Try a blend of cayenne and black pepper. Mix the two peppers together and sprinkle them around the perimeter of your yard. You can also mix flour in with the pepper if you want. The flour does not have a repellent effect but it helps you to see where you have sprinkled the pepper. The pepper causes the dogs to sneeze and most dogs won't cross over it to get to the other side. Be sure to reapply after it rains.
Soak cotton balls in ammonia, vinegar or rubbing alcohol and place them along the perimeter of your yard. All of these household items have strong smells that naturally repel dogs. Do not pour them directly on the ground though because they can be harmful to plants.
Purchase a commercially sold dog repellent and spray the perimeter of your yard with it. Many of these last through the rain and only need to be reapplied every 60 to 90 days.
Contact animal control to complain about the stray dogs in your yard. They should be able to assist you in the removal of the dogs.