How to Convert Some Portion of an Image From Colored to Black & White in GIMP (Selective Coloring)
I read the same process, explained in over 25 steps! Its a good idea to save time and have the exact same output in fewer steps! 1.
Open the Image you want to work on.
Select the area which you want to keep colored.
The most important is, USE THE RIGHT SELECTION TOOL.
You can select a square, a circle or a free selection by using many of the tools available (Free select, Scissor, Create a path and select from it etc.
) 3.
Go on the "Select" tool on the top menu bar and click on "Invert" 4.
Click on the "Image" on the top menu bar and click on "Colorify" 5.
Make sure that custom color is selected on white color square.
Click OK.
Adjust some brightness and contrast from image menu (Only if required) 8.
There is no eighth step! We are done! GIMP is a wonderful FREE program used under General Public License to edit pictures and to create multiple sorts of graphics for online and offline advertising media.
It is available in many languages and is regularly improved to add more functionality.
com is the forum dedicated to the GIMP working.
If you are involved in any of the businesses that carries out image processing, e.
printing, GIMP is a very important and useful tool for you.
You can do editing and image creation FREE of cost.
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