Sharpening High School Players Habits
Running will increase performance
Endurance is the name of the game when it comes to football, and running will help you endurance grow. Running drills will help you gain stamina so that you will be able to play to your full extent throughout the game. Though running drills can be a big help to your game, many people complain the most about the running. Because in the end, the team or players that are the fastest are the ones that win the championships. Running has a final help to your team, and that is learning how to push beyond your limits, you will be surprised how often that happens in football, and in life
Catching the ball low
Great plays are made through dedicated practice of the fundamentals. This means that quarterbacks, running backs, receivers, etc have gone through the motions several times and know how to react to situations on the field. One situation that most offensive players will face is the low catch. Here are some great techniques in coaching and learning the low catch. First, keep your hands down low in a scooping or shovel position; you can even cross your pinkies. First, keep your hands low and lock your pinkies. Second, keep your knees bent low and in extreme cases you should be flat on the ground or diving. Once you have the football in your hands scoop it up and tuck it away. Remember, the cardinal rule of catching is to use your hands and not your body. Keep your eyes right on the ball. Catch it first and then worry about running it.
Open field tactics: covering ground with angle tackles
It is a great idea to practice angle tackles with your defense because not all tackles are made with the opponent right in front of you. Accomplish this drill in pairs, having one teammate act as the offense, or ball carrier, running in a straight line and the other as the defender coming in at any angle. As the defender he will need to adjust his body to cover the shortest distance towards the ball carrier, and make the stop by placing his foot squarely in front, and remembers for safety to put his head in front of the ball carrier. The defender follows through with the tackle by straightening his knees in a lunging type motion, wrapping his arms around the ball carrier to pull him down to the ground or push him off sides.
Tackling Fundamentals and Safety
Learning how to perform a proper tackle is fundamental to the game of football. Tackling can be fun and exhilarating, but done improperly and it can be dangerous. Here are three important steps to practice:
First, plant yourself in front of your opponent. Plant your cleats in the grass squarely in front and in the middle, bisecting the player in half. At the same time you want to bring your arms back in anticipation for the next phase.
Second you want to bring your other foot into the mix, and at the same time throw your arms up and around your opponent. As your feet plants your head should be making its first contact. Never, ever, ever tackle with the top of your head down, keep it up and square against your opponent. Tell yourself, or your players to imagine that they are biting the football.
Third, throw your hips up and hard as you drive the offensive player backwards. The squarer you are in the first step the easier it will be to perform the third step.
Endurance is the name of the game when it comes to football, and running will help you endurance grow. Running drills will help you gain stamina so that you will be able to play to your full extent throughout the game. Though running drills can be a big help to your game, many people complain the most about the running. Because in the end, the team or players that are the fastest are the ones that win the championships. Running has a final help to your team, and that is learning how to push beyond your limits, you will be surprised how often that happens in football, and in life
Catching the ball low
Great plays are made through dedicated practice of the fundamentals. This means that quarterbacks, running backs, receivers, etc have gone through the motions several times and know how to react to situations on the field. One situation that most offensive players will face is the low catch. Here are some great techniques in coaching and learning the low catch. First, keep your hands down low in a scooping or shovel position; you can even cross your pinkies. First, keep your hands low and lock your pinkies. Second, keep your knees bent low and in extreme cases you should be flat on the ground or diving. Once you have the football in your hands scoop it up and tuck it away. Remember, the cardinal rule of catching is to use your hands and not your body. Keep your eyes right on the ball. Catch it first and then worry about running it.
Open field tactics: covering ground with angle tackles
It is a great idea to practice angle tackles with your defense because not all tackles are made with the opponent right in front of you. Accomplish this drill in pairs, having one teammate act as the offense, or ball carrier, running in a straight line and the other as the defender coming in at any angle. As the defender he will need to adjust his body to cover the shortest distance towards the ball carrier, and make the stop by placing his foot squarely in front, and remembers for safety to put his head in front of the ball carrier. The defender follows through with the tackle by straightening his knees in a lunging type motion, wrapping his arms around the ball carrier to pull him down to the ground or push him off sides.
Tackling Fundamentals and Safety
Learning how to perform a proper tackle is fundamental to the game of football. Tackling can be fun and exhilarating, but done improperly and it can be dangerous. Here are three important steps to practice:
First, plant yourself in front of your opponent. Plant your cleats in the grass squarely in front and in the middle, bisecting the player in half. At the same time you want to bring your arms back in anticipation for the next phase.
Second you want to bring your other foot into the mix, and at the same time throw your arms up and around your opponent. As your feet plants your head should be making its first contact. Never, ever, ever tackle with the top of your head down, keep it up and square against your opponent. Tell yourself, or your players to imagine that they are biting the football.
Third, throw your hips up and hard as you drive the offensive player backwards. The squarer you are in the first step the easier it will be to perform the third step.