Network Marketing Help - 5 Ways to Help You Become an Effective Network Marketing Teacher

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We all have different talents and skills to share with others and sometimes we have to learn how to do new things regardless of whether we feel gifted in that area or not.
One of the skills Network Marketers MUST develop is that of being able to teach others.
The very foundation on which your business depends is your ability to personally teach someone else how to do what you are doing successfully.
Not everybody is a brilliant teacher but everybody can learn how to be a better teacher.
  If you want to be successful in network marketing not only should YOU ensure you find an effective  teacher yourself but  you MUST learn how to train your team to be successful too.
Here is some network marketing help so that you can improve your teaching skills and in so doing set your team and yourself up for long term recurring success.
  1. Create a list of essential skills: Write a list of what you want new team members to be able to do.
    This will be specific to your business and needs but could include; must know how to order products, must know how to write goals, must know how to define a target market, must know how to write an advertisement  etc.
      Once you have a list, keep a training spreadsheet.
    As each new team member is able to demonstrate that they have mastered each skill, mark this off against their name.
    This way you will know whether you have trained everyone sufficiently and what each person is able to do competently.
  2. Develop your training program around your essential skills: Decide what knowledge is required for each skill, what they must be able to do to demonstrate they have mastered the skill and alternative ways you can teach them how to master it.
    For example, if the skill is being able to write an effective advertisement you may decide they need to know about different types of advertisements, what the purpose of advertisements is, have some basic copy-writing skills etc You may decide that they ways you can teach this is by modeling the activity, creating a training video or having a live webinar etc.
    To know whether they can write an effective advertisement you may set the criteria that they must be able to write an advertisement and attract a certain response in a specific time.
  3. Find out from the team member what he or she knows first: Don't waste your time teaching things that don't need to be taught.
    At the start of your relationship give them your essential skills list as a questionnaire to complete.
    You can phrase each skill as follows, "I know how to--" followed by the skill.
    Ask them to indicate next to each whether they feel competent, not yet competent or not at all competent.
    This  will give you a good idea of what you need to teach them.
  4. Treat all students as individuals: Teach each student from the point they need to learn.
    I suggest the orientation and basic teaching should be completed one on one.
    More specialized topics can be taught using the small group method.
      People are all different and we don't all learn the same way either.
    Some people are better at seeing and reading material, others prefer to do things practically and another may prefer to be told how how to do something.
    Do your best to teach your student in the way that is best for them.
  5. Use feedback: When you are teaching others make sure you provide feedback about how they are progressing.
    Positive reinforcement is very important in order to motivate further learning.
    When someone needs extra help with something make sure you point out what they have done well first and then diplomatically suggest that some more time would be well spent on whatever area you identify as needing attention.
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