Yuvetsi Kritharaki Me Kima
I am not too sure why, but whenever I hear that someone ate or is making a casserole, I immediately think of being young, and having something my mom would make.
I am not saying casseroles get a bad rap or anything, but it just always makes me think of times long ago. For me anyhow, casseroles seem to have stayed stagnant with the food revolution. I do not think you can really get it at modern restaurants and maybe even at older established ones. I could be wrong, it happens :) but I really have not seen them served too often lately.
In the 1950s, they were all the rage, but not so much anymore.
Disclaimer: so I have been told, I was not around then.
However, today that changes! Today I give you our latest recipe - Yuvetsi Kritharaki Me Kima. Yes, a Greek casserole.
Jane and I got the idea for making this, because we could not tell you the last time we had one. Making a casserole is a very easy process, you basically add a bunch of stuff to a pot, cook it, add it to a pan, and bake it
Then it is ready to go. Ready to be enjoyed. It does not take too much time nor require much attention. Which to me is ironic, because so many people say they do not have time to cook, so quick meals are all the rage.
Granted this does take an hour, but it does not need you to be there interacting, stirring, etc.,
When Jane and I make this, we refer to it as Greek bean dip, because that is what it kind of looks like. I admit in an effort to stay transparent, while it may not be the most visual dish ever presented to you, it is worth a try because it is pretty good, and it is perfect for leftovers for lunch the next day.
So go ahead and give this a try. Let us know what you think. Do you agree with our view that the casserole is in a downward trend? Why? Why not? We'd love to know.
We hope you enjoy our contribution to bringing back the casserole.