Effective Strategies To Stop Smoking

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The cigarette is an element highly harmful to the human health and his effects can produce an aggressive and painful deterioration in the functions of the organism. Nevertheless there exist many smokers who on having seen his health awkward seriously want to stop smoking ardently without being able to obtain it.

The cigarette addiction itself is long and painful and occurs because the main addictive component nicotine is a powerful stimulant in the brain. This drug is the one that gives the characteristic flavor to the cigarette and makes the affected person want increasingly more unable to quit.

Once cigarette smoke is inhaled by a smoker, nicotine goes into the lungs where tar particles associated with massively destroys thousands of alveoli are small sacs lung whose function is to extract oxygen from air.

Precisely this massive destruction of the alveoli causes Asthma Emphysema Smoker or where the person who has it can drown in a matter of time.

After passing through the lung nicotine enters the bloodstream and goes to the brain where it binds to nicotinic receptors for acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter critical chemical which mimics and stimulates the secretion of the dopanina, to its turn is other specialized molecule associated with pleasure in the brain providing welfare emotions proactively to perform certain activities.

Nevertheless as the brain does not produce the liberation of dopanina for its regular conduit, that is to say for the action of the acetilcolina in the recipients of the neurons but for the nicotima, this one does that the neurons get overexcited, limiting then the production of dopanina increasingly and needing to compensate the deficiency with major quantities of nicotine.

Of there comes then the addiction and the reason for which the chance smoker turns into smoker hardened that unconscious of the changes produced in his organism runs towards very serious terminal illnesses that put chronometer to his days as: the Cancer of Lung, Pulmonary Emphysema, Arteriosclerosis, and Cerebral Heart attack, between others. And other complementary diseases that though they are not mortal, are nothing wished at all as the impotence.

The addictive process that produces the nicotine is so aggressive that it demonstrates to be between the drugs that create major addiction, together with the heroine and the caffeine, which impedes so much for the cigarette "" salesman to stop smoking.

On the other hand level of the blood the cells of the body in general meet seriously concerned by the action of other one of the lethal compounds that there has the cigarette, the Monoxide of Carbon that joins the Hemoglobin of the blood basic present compound in red blood cells that realizes the captation of oxygen in the lungs and transports it for the blood to all the body fabrics, but as the Monoxide of Carbon joins the blood easier that the oxygen, then the cellular respiration is severely impaired, possibly resulting in arteriosclerotic development that causes arteries to harden and fill with plaque or fatty deposits.

This serious pathology indicates that a smoker is three times more likely to have heart attack than a nonsmoker.

Another very important point to note about is cigarette consumption according to recent laboratory analysis that have been done, since it is not a regulated product in its composition, is known to contain about four thousand chemical constituents and at least forty of them are highly carcinogenic.

Among these are:

Component of products of cleanliness, of penetrating and corrosive smell for the skin and the lungs.
Poisonous substance contained in rodenticides.
Previously used as domestic fuel gas.
Chemical element highly toxic and potentially lethal used in the gas chambers.
Fuel used in space rockets and greenhouse effect and contributing to global warming of the earth.
Chemical metallic element, and inhaling it can severely damage the lungs, DNA, cancer develop, produce bone weakening, damage to the immune and central nervous systems and lead to serious psychological disorders.
Carbon monoxide:
Present in the exhaust fumes of cars. Is the same from the exhaust gas of an automobile or a defective boiler. It is colorless and odorless. Is lethal in high concentrations and at low doses difficult the oxygenation of the cells, Since as we said previously it blocks the hemoglobin and therefore it deactivates the red blood cells, which already cannot move the oxygen during long periods of time.
It is dark and sticky substance responsible for maintaining the nicotine and other chemicals snuff up to our lungs. We could say that is the vehicle in which all the poisons present in cigarettes, traveling to our bloodstream.
Benzene, Radon and other elements:
They are chemical products that we would never like that they were in our house, since they cause cancer. It is prohibited to use them as components of housewares. Let"s imagine the obtained effect inhaling them.
It is just one more of dangerous substances present in cigarettes as mentioned above. But it is also responsible for the snuff is so addictive. Scientific studies have shown that nicotine in cigarettes creates the same addiction as heroin or cocaine.
Other aspects that should be considered chronic by the smoker by the impact that smoke in their physical appearance are:

Fingers and yellow teeth: which gives it a very unpleasant appearance in interaction with the not smoking persons.in their interaction with non-smokers.
Bad breath: permanent and smelling decomposed.
Gums and purple and inflamed lips: due to the effect constrictive glass of the smoke of the cigarette in the blood, the gums develop an acute disease periodontal known as Gingivitis and the lips meet opaque, dry, purple and parties.

Foul smell from the body, clothing and hair: Overall cigarette smoke permeates the body and dress smoker and is a kind of smell like with alcoholics who leaves a trail of smell wherever passing or remain.

Eye bags: Produced by the retention of liquids, the trasnocho and the evil I dream that they have the smokers.

Cough and persistent hoarseness:Permanent cough and hoarseness: due to the fact that the lungs fill with phlegms as a defense of the body to clean them, the smoker coughs in a drowned and almost permanent way up to producing in certain cases the mortal suffocation for pulmonary emphysema. Another feature also is the hoarse voice and with frequent cold.

Age Spots: Produced by the action of cigarette smoke on your skin and smoking exposure to the sun.

Premature wrinkles: smoke produces a delay in the natural elimination of the oldest and external cells of the skin. Reason for which the aging of the face is imminent and equally sympathetic the color of the hair that becomes white, weak and fragile. Effects that are seen very glaringly in the young smokers.

There is also a psychological-emotional link that makes people begin in this lethal world of the cigarette, and when the individual is young or old begin to use the cigarette as a support, excuse or anchor to cope or deal with emotional moments, routine or important in your life. We"re talking about simple actions like ending a meal: breakfast, fast food, lunch or dinner and then lit a cigarette to feel better.

When a person experiences moments of anxiety, tension or frustration as an exam or leave it, be studying something important or difficult immediately lights a cigarette, when sad, when is happy, when is cold, when attending a meeting with other people, etc.

In case of being present at social events, holidays, night exits, etc. The smokers find very much external support of not having a good reason to stop smoking, to there be associated by other persons that also smoking and help them in the immediate and excessive consumption of the cigarette.

Another topic of high importance in the consumption of the cigarette is the prejudice that suffer the passive smokers who are those persons who do not smoke but who must coexist with the active smoker and for this reason on having received the smoke of the environment it is verified that they can with almost equal possibility develop the terminal illnesses as the Cancer of Lung and the Emphysema between among others, as it does the person who smokes directly.

According to the latest report from the World Lung Foundation (WLF) and the American Cancer Society says that if current trends continue, one billion people will die this century because cigarette consumption and exposure to this, which includes passive smoking and that this implies that fully a person dies every six seconds.

Given such dramatic and exaggerated reality awaits cigarette users in the world, science currently provides highly valuable treatments that are very effective to master anxiety and reduce cigarette consumption to zero in accelerated time (see recommended resources at the end).

Immediately we will offer a series of general recommendations for benefit of those who have or endure addiction to the cigarette, but the central part of the Effective Strategies To stop Smoking in: help, assistance and rehabilitation of this delicate problem of world health will run at the expense of our recommended resource (to see at the end of the article), done by experts in health to stop smoking in thousands of patients who have suffered the consequences of the consumption with verified results of change of life and health in the patients who receive this treatment:

Remember that a healthy body is the physical primary good of every human being, and life without it is very unfortunate and painful. So become aware that the health of the human body is fragile and not made for abuse with the vices and addictions as: snuff, alcohol, drugs, etc.. Who does not understand or want to accept this vital truth, will pay dearly for their stubbornness with as much pain, exhaustion, disability or accelerated or premature death.

Start a regular daily physical activity such as walking, running or any other sport for twenty minutes or more on the involvement of most bones and muscles of your body seeking the release of endorphins which are the good hormones for the body, which will improve much your attitude and self-esteem to live a healthy life and get away largely on psychoactive substances such as nicotine and alcohol.

Learn to love and respect your body including a daily diet of fruits, vegetables and low consumption of red meat and saturated fat.

Drink six to eight glasses of water daily to purify your body and avoid stay up late.

Keep in mind that being a slave to a vice as: cigarettes, alcohol, drugs or any other is not no sign of power or intelligence, but a very low self esteem and a weak and impressionable personality that leads to ruin in all aspects life.

Separate from environments and people that encourage and stimulate your weakness. For this you must vigorously combat your mental programming with effective remedies and Overcoming Self-Help as you find in Create Global Future you will eliminate emotional traumas and find new friends that are healthy and productive.

Read daily recommended books Self-Help and Improvement for at least twenty minutes to strengthen your self esteem and make your party more rational dominate your emotional part that seduces you to consume the cigarette.

Strengthen your spiritual part. Regularly attends your church and use the benefits of prayer and meditation in your life.

Associate with people you respect and admire. They are a model of life both personally and in the familiar. Identifies successful patterns of behavior and tries to imitate that.

Managing your money is also a very sensitive issue when administering wisely to your advantage not to your detriment. With the money you spend on cigarettes a week buy something of value to your body and your mind as a nutritional supplement or fruits like Banana, Apple and Tangerine that are excellent brain tonics to relieve anxiety, stress, clean your body and are natural for powering your mind and mood.

To regain your health and your life FOREVER leave cigarette addiction and expand the knowledge presented in this article "Effective Strategies to Stop Smoking",visit us now at:

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