Can You Hang a Rubber Snake on Your Tomato Cage to Keep Birds From Pecking Tomatoes?
- Rubber snakes are a common home garden safety measure. The use of rubber snakes to deter predators is common practice. Rubber snakes often deter birds by giving the appearance of a predator among the tomato plants. Rubber snakes work best when they are moved on a regular basis. If left in one place, it becomes easy for birds to learn that it is a fake predator. Hang the rubber snakes from the upper parts of the tomato plants or tomato cage making them as visible as possible to birds.
- Light reflectors protect your tomato crop from birds. Use them in tandem with rubber snakes or other preventative measures. The way the reflectors catch the light, especially in the wind, gives the appearance of constant movement in your tomato patch. Use old CDs or pieces of reflective tape tied to tomato cages or tomato plant stems.
- Use nylon or plastic mesh netting in extreme cases to prevent birds from attacking your tomatoes. Placing the netting over and around tomato plants allows the plants to grow outdoors, but limits the birds' access. Netting is highly effective but is also difficult to install and hinders your access to the plants.
- If using rubber snakes or other fake predators, moving the mock predator goes a long way towards keeping birds away. Adding and moving light reflectors further deter birds. Partial netting and other protective measures, such as reflective tape, may be the best option.
Rubber Snakes
Light Reflectors