How to Use Hand Trucks With Heavy Loads
- 1). Place the moving blanket around the object being moved. This is to protect the object from the cargo strap and from being damaged during the move, so make sure to cover any surfaces that may get marred.
- 2). Slide the blade of the hand truck underneath the object being moved so that the back of the hand truck is flush with the back of the object being moved. You may have to have your assistant lift the object slightly up at a corner to work the blade in place.
- 3). Wrap the cargo strap around the middle of the object, and secure the hooks from the strap to the supports on the hand truck. Then tighten the strap by ratcheting it down with your hands, making sure it's tight against the load. The goal is to make the hand truck and the object one unit, with no slack. If you have to, use multiple cargo straps to secure the load.
- 4). Place your foot on the axle of the hand truck at a 45-degree angle to your body. Pull back the handles of the hand truck using your hands and lift the object off of the ground, maintaining a 45-degree angle between the hand truck and the ground. If necessary, have your assistant grab the front of the object to help lift it to the 45-degree position with his legs.
- 5). Push the hand truck to move the object to its destination. Push with your legs, trying not to strain or hurt your back in the process. Pushing is easier on your back than pulling is, so try not to pull the load if possible.