Why Use Essential Oils
American consumers are becoming aware of how dangerous chemical drugs, even those prescribed by a doctor, can be.
A friend of mine had serious headaches for years and lost hearing in one of her ears because of taking so much Vicodin.
Sometimes the trade-off might be worth the risk of side-effects, but we should take those risks seriously.
If there is a natural alternative to taking even aspirin or other over-the-counter drugs, it seems to me that we should look into it.
It only takes a few minutes in front of the television set to know that pharmaceutical drugs are being advertised and sold as never before.
Have you ever taken the time to read the list of side effects and warnings given in those ads? I have.
As I grow older, I am noticing aches and pains that didn't affect me much in my younger years.
The medical profession seems happy to write a prescription for most of them.
Or, even worse, they willingly suggest surgery that may or may not fix the problem.
That isn't what I'm looking for.
I'm looking for a way to feel better with a natural product using natural means.
I'm afraid of those chemical compounds that are so easily dispensed at the whim of a doctor.
I want something that will help, but not at the cost of giving me a problem tomorrow that could be worse than the one I'm complaining of today.
You can be sure I won't give consent to being sedated and "put under the knife" with the hope that I may feel better when it is all over.
And what about taking another drug, in order to offset the side-effects of the one I took before? That is almost as unappealing as having surgery! There has to be a better way and I think I may have found it.
I know we are cautioned to discount personal testimony in favor of scientific studies, but what if that is part of the problem? I've been following a couple of testimonial web sites on essential oils and I was impressed enough to start considering the use of them for myself and my own family.
It wasn't that long ago that clove oil was used by dentists for numbing their patients' pain.
Guess what? It would still work today.
I'm not saying we should use clove oil instead of Novocain, just that we should carefully consider what we are putting into our bodies.
The style today seems to allow the doctor to decide what is best.
I believe the doctor has the right and obligation to give his/her best educated opinion.
But, after considering all options, a patient should ultimately be the one to make decisions about his/her own health.
We have been leaving it all to the professionals for too long.
Many of the old remedies have been tossed out to make room for the pharmaceutical drugs of today.
It doesn't mean those methods or herbs don't work: it just means there isn't any money to be made in supplying them to the patient.
Pharmaceutical companies are not just about making drugs--they need to make money, and lots of it.
Most of us have never heard that antiseptics and antibiotics were first made by Nature.
There are therapeutic essential oils that have many of the same powers as the pharmacy drugs.
Even though the medical community as a whole ignores their value, they really can and do work.
The best thing about them is they are natural and don't have side effects.
They can actually heal our bodies without harming them.
* It is easy to see there are vast differences in prices charged for essential oils.
One company selling essential oil seems, on the surface, to be the same as another.
With a bit of digging, I learned there are many factors in making essential oils.
From the seed to the soil the plant is grown in, to the time and process used to harvest and distill the plant oils--all must be carefully guarded in order to retain the healing properties of the finished product.
Who you buy from can be just as important as the oil itself.
If you are looking for another way, a natural way, to handle some of your health concerns, consider using essential oils.
Essential oils have been used for their healing powers for thousands of years.
Back then, these precious oils were so expensive they were only available to the very wealthy and royal families.
Today, almost anyone can buy and use the best of them.
Just think about it.
*This article is for educational purposes only.
Persons with medical issues should seek the advice of a professional healthcare practitioner.
A friend of mine had serious headaches for years and lost hearing in one of her ears because of taking so much Vicodin.
Sometimes the trade-off might be worth the risk of side-effects, but we should take those risks seriously.
If there is a natural alternative to taking even aspirin or other over-the-counter drugs, it seems to me that we should look into it.
It only takes a few minutes in front of the television set to know that pharmaceutical drugs are being advertised and sold as never before.
Have you ever taken the time to read the list of side effects and warnings given in those ads? I have.
As I grow older, I am noticing aches and pains that didn't affect me much in my younger years.
The medical profession seems happy to write a prescription for most of them.
Or, even worse, they willingly suggest surgery that may or may not fix the problem.
That isn't what I'm looking for.
I'm looking for a way to feel better with a natural product using natural means.
I'm afraid of those chemical compounds that are so easily dispensed at the whim of a doctor.
I want something that will help, but not at the cost of giving me a problem tomorrow that could be worse than the one I'm complaining of today.
You can be sure I won't give consent to being sedated and "put under the knife" with the hope that I may feel better when it is all over.
And what about taking another drug, in order to offset the side-effects of the one I took before? That is almost as unappealing as having surgery! There has to be a better way and I think I may have found it.
I know we are cautioned to discount personal testimony in favor of scientific studies, but what if that is part of the problem? I've been following a couple of testimonial web sites on essential oils and I was impressed enough to start considering the use of them for myself and my own family.
It wasn't that long ago that clove oil was used by dentists for numbing their patients' pain.
Guess what? It would still work today.
I'm not saying we should use clove oil instead of Novocain, just that we should carefully consider what we are putting into our bodies.
The style today seems to allow the doctor to decide what is best.
I believe the doctor has the right and obligation to give his/her best educated opinion.
But, after considering all options, a patient should ultimately be the one to make decisions about his/her own health.
We have been leaving it all to the professionals for too long.
Many of the old remedies have been tossed out to make room for the pharmaceutical drugs of today.
It doesn't mean those methods or herbs don't work: it just means there isn't any money to be made in supplying them to the patient.
Pharmaceutical companies are not just about making drugs--they need to make money, and lots of it.
Most of us have never heard that antiseptics and antibiotics were first made by Nature.
There are therapeutic essential oils that have many of the same powers as the pharmacy drugs.
Even though the medical community as a whole ignores their value, they really can and do work.
The best thing about them is they are natural and don't have side effects.
They can actually heal our bodies without harming them.
* It is easy to see there are vast differences in prices charged for essential oils.
One company selling essential oil seems, on the surface, to be the same as another.
With a bit of digging, I learned there are many factors in making essential oils.
From the seed to the soil the plant is grown in, to the time and process used to harvest and distill the plant oils--all must be carefully guarded in order to retain the healing properties of the finished product.
Who you buy from can be just as important as the oil itself.
If you are looking for another way, a natural way, to handle some of your health concerns, consider using essential oils.
Essential oils have been used for their healing powers for thousands of years.
Back then, these precious oils were so expensive they were only available to the very wealthy and royal families.
Today, almost anyone can buy and use the best of them.
Just think about it.
*This article is for educational purposes only.
Persons with medical issues should seek the advice of a professional healthcare practitioner.