Why You Could Be Sabotaging Your Weight Loss and How to Stop It!

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I've noticed something strange recently.
There is an abundance of people who wish to lose weight, are on weight loss programs, and are getting absolutely zero results.
When talking with these people, I wonder about this for a while, and think, "why exactly this is?" They have a desire to lose weight, they're going to the gym, they're eating better, so what's going on here? Recently, I met someone who was in this same situation.
"I don't know what to do, I've tried everything," she said.
I asked her to give me an idea of what typical day's diet is for her.
"Well, I have a yogurt in the morning because I'm not really a big breakfast eater.
I usually have a salad for lunch.
And for dinner I try to have just a small piece of whatever my husband is grilling.
" I was stunned.
I had finally realized why she and so many others that I have encountered before her, who have "tried everything," were not losing weight.
They were actually not eating enough! I then explained to her the problem and she was equally amazed.
In her mind, and in the mind of so many who are trying desperately to lose weight, the answer to weight loss is to restrict calories to the point where you are eating next to nothing.
In America especially, the word "diet" has unfortunately become synonymous with not eating.
The word "diet" is actually supposed to refer to whatever food you consume in a given day.
I made some recommendations to her.
I'd like to share those recommendations with you so that you can avoid making this same mistake in the future, and if you are already making that mistake, to quit it and move on with a more effective approach.
Eat more calories.
The person with whom I've spoke in the above paragraphs was not eating nearly enough calories to promote weight loss.
In her situation and in the situation of so many others, they consume so few calories that their body goes into what is commonly referred to as "starvation mode," where their body thinks it's actually starving, so it holds onto all of their body fat in an effort to stay alive.
Eat more frequently.
I've actually seen people cringe when they hear me say this.
The common response is "eat more frequently? I am trying to lose weight here, not gain it!" While this may seem logical, the science behind it is that by eating more frequently, your metabolism will speed up.
By eating a small meal, then another small meal three hours later, then another small meal three hours later (keeping this eating style throughout the day), your body will burn off the first meal, then the second meal, then the third meal, and will realize that there is a fourth meal coming, so your metabolism will have no choice but to speed up to get ready for that fourth meal.
Then your metabolism burns off the fourth meal quickly to prepare for the fifth meal it will shortly receive three hours later.
Your body's metabolism stays in high gear, thus burning excess body fat for energy.
Work out.
"Going to the gym" doesn't necessarily mean working out.
If you are taking too much rest in between sets or socializing with the other members too often, without realizing it, you are probably not working out hard enough.
Make sure you have a goal of what you want to accomplish in the gym, before you go in there.
If that goal is not met before you leave, then you are not working out hard enough.
Write down what you want to accomplish regarding your workout, and make sure you accomplish it.
These three techniques will speed up your progress dramatically.
If you are stuck in your diet and workout, chances are you are not following one or more of these three techniques.
And remember that like anything in life that takes effort, consistency is key.
Stick with these three principles for a couple of weeks, and you'll be surprised how fast the weight starts coming off.
Yours in health, James Ryan Hallmark
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