How to Do a Full Split
- 1). Warm up the body with light cardio and begin to lightly stretch the quads, hips and hamstrings.
- 2). There is usually one side that is more limber. Identify your more flexible side and continue to slide down into your maximum stretch. Front split proper form is with the front leg straight and knee up. The back knee can either be down or to the side to stretch different parts of the leg.
- 3). Perform isometric stretching. Squeeze the muscles in your legs for five seconds, and then release for five seconds. This is called static-passive flexibility and will help create a deeper stretch. Repeat two or three times.
- 4). Squeeze the muscles again for a longer period of 30 seconds. Release the tension and move out of the stretch.
- 5). Rest for about a minute, and repeat. Pay attention to the stretching; It should feel tense but not painful. Stop exercising if the muscle begins to feel strained.
- 6). Finish with cool-down stretching and continue daily until split is achieved.
- 1). Warm up the body with light cardio and begin to lightly stretch the hamstrings and quads. Stretch the hips well by performing squats, deep side lunges and the butterfly stretch with feet touching and knees out to the side in front of you.
- 2). Slide into the split position in one of two ways: either slowly lower down from a standing position, or begin seated on the ground and extend legs to the side. Lengthen into the deepest side-split position possible at this time. In side split proper form the knees can either be facing up or to the front to stretch different muscles in the legs.
- 3). Perform isometric stretches to increase static-passive flexibility by tensing and relaxing the leg muscles in five second increments. Repeat two or three times.
- 4). Contract the muscles for 30 seconds, and release. Stay in the stretch two to three breaths longer and try to flex the feet so that they are vertical.
- 5). Relax and come out of the stretch. Rest for about a minute and repeat, being careful to stop the exercise before muscles become strained.
- 6). Cool-down with light stretching and repeat daily until desired flexibility is reached.
The Front Split
Side Split