The Truth About Six Pack Abs at Home
You can do all of those abs exercise and still not even see your ripped abs pop up as you see on muscle men, women and some models.
Do you want to know why? I will tell that there are several hidden secrets on how to get ripped abs simply and easily without the use of drugs or hormones.
Using these secrets you will actually see those hot abs that you have dreamed of in as little as 6-8 weeks.
You can do all the abs exercise that you want and you still will not get a defined look because you have a percentage of fat covering your entire body; more in some places and less in other places.
In order to get that defined look you must have at least three to four percent total body fat.
Which means you have to find out how much fat you have and start burning that off and keep up with building your muscles that are underneath your fat; you never know you could already have firm abs and not even know about it until you are lean.
In order to lose that fat you must rearrange your eating habits for a while and stick with lean foods such as foods with less saturated fats, eliminating junks foods, creating a calorie deficit to lose that fat and some fat burning exercises.
In this process you may lose some muscle but if you keep up with muscle group exercises you can easily maintain the muscle.
When you have reached your goal of four percent of body fat you want to start with more muscle exercise routines and maintain your body fat percent at the same time.
You may also want to switch around your exercise routines every other week to confuse your body so that your body does not get used to the same old routine.
When your body gets accustom to the repetition you will see no muscle gain results.
Another thing to watch out for is when your muscle gain actually stops for a few weeks; and nothing seems to help; this is called a plateau which is sometimes hard to overcome without the secret muscle super foods and knowledge of muscle building.
Getting those perfect abs can either be easy or hard it all depends on how hard you make it.
I know this may be all confusing at first or for a while but with the right guidance and some perseverance you can actually reach your set goals in no time and look great.
Don't get discourage at first if you have little results; try and try again.
Can you image yourself finally taking off your shirt or wearing that bikini when its hot without being embarrassed; well don't imagine it make it a reality today.