How to Catch the Mind Super Villain on Poptropica
- 1). Go right and past the subway station stairs to get to City Park. Sir Rebral will be standing on a broken statue to the right with rocks flying around his head. He will telekinetically throw these rocks at you, so jump to avoid them when needed.
- 2). Jump up to Sir Rebral's location on top of the broken statue. The flying rocks will hit him instead of you, causing Sir Rebral to get angry.
- 3). Jump back down to the ground. A section of grass will jump up periodically on either side of the broken statue. Go slightly left from the broken statue until you see a large gray rock. Push the rock to either of the sections of ground that pops up. The rock will fly through the air and strike Sir Rebral.
- 4). Push the rock to the other section of ground so that it jumps up again and strikes Sir Rebral. Continue doing this until the villain has been hit enough times to be knocked off of the statue. Walk up to Sir Rebral to place him in handcuffs and win the fight.