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Education : Society & Culture & Entertainment

Scientific Method

Definition of the scientific method, a series of steps scientists take to acquire, test, and describe the natural world.

How to Become a Certified Rheumatology Coder

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid have rules and regulations regarding rheumatology billing and acceptable use of billing codes for services and procedures performed by rheumatologists. Inadequate knowledge of these guidelines could result in denied claims. Possession of the Certified Rheumatolo

5 Reasons To Opt For Scientific Journal Editing

Scientific journals are holy grails for researchers, scientists and Science enthusiasts. While they have some very good content, these journals are very particular about the articles they Exclusive: Regular MBA Vs Distance MBA

MBA today has become the call of the time. There are a lot of jobs moving around in the market for an MBA. It has become one of the most frequent choices of the students in present scenario, when this

Science Projects on Smoking

Cigarettes contain tobacco and other additives that are wrapped in a thin paper and smoked through an attached filter. The tobacco found in cigarettes is a known cause of cancer. Despite the fact that smoking poses health risks, approximately 43 million Americans smoke. To learn more...

Online Education For Your Future

Many traditional colleges and universities are now offering online courses, which are the exact same as those taught on campus, to distance learners.

Synchronous Conferencing in Distance Education

Synchronous conferencing (real time chat) applications can be used to enhance the distance education experience. This article provides tips on how such technologies can be most effectively employed.

Quotes on Sports

Quotes on Sports: a collection. Part of a special section on inspirational and motivational quotes. Also find lists, databases, and resources for quotes and quotations.

Summer Courses of Italian Language in Milan

Spring has just come, but summer will not hesitate to begin soon, so it's time for all the guys who wish to have a learning vacation abroad, to organize their travel to Italy. In fact, ...

Wadi Hammeh 27 (Jordan)

Wadi Hammeh 27 is a Natufian period site, one of several located in Wadi al-Hammeh on the Jordan valley near where a hot spring joins the wadi.

Juniper Jn0-632 Exam Study Guide

Certkey Juniper JN0-632 dumps help materialize your dreams of success with minimum effort.At Certkey Juniper JN0-632 training study guide we provide you with JN0-632 Questions and Answers, JN0-632 Practice Testing Software, Study Guide,Preparation Labs and Audio Learnings.

Holiday Fundraising Ideas

The holidays represent a great time for fundraising; people are already in the giving spirit, and since most people have already budgeted to purchase gifts and decorations, creating an effective fundraiser is easy. Get the most out of your fundraiser by planning early and making it clear...