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Dog Breeds : Pets & Animal
Best Dog Kennels
Today life style for every person around the globe has become stressful and tension. To avoid these stresses and tensions lot of people are trying to relax with their pets.
How to Teach Your Puppy to Fetch
Teaching your puppy to fetch is a great experience for both owner and puppy, but will not happen overnight. What will follow are a few pointers on how to teach your puppy to fetch.
Aggression in Pitbulls - What Causes It?
If you are looking for baby pitbulls for sale, you have probably done your research. As a result of this, you must have come across several comments on the nature of pitbull puppies. While doing your research certainly is important, you need to remember that several 'facts' about these dog
Basic Dog Grooming Tips You Need To Know
This article covers the basic grooming tips that everyone should know to keep their dog or puppy happy and healthy...
Testing Your Dog For Deafness
What is the best deaf dog test? The only reliable method for determining canine deafness is the BAER test (pronounced "bear") and it stands for "Brainstem Auditory Evoked Response".
Anal Gland Disease - Is It Common Among Labrador Retrievers?
Do you think it is normal for Labrador Retrievers and other dogs to lick their rear? Others believe that it is normal for dogs to lick their rear because they think it is a dog's way of cleaning their anal and its surrounding area. In case you do not know, a dog licking his rear may indicate an
My Dog Is Whining! Find Out How I Solve It!
If your dog is whining constantly it is best to figure out a solution. Often it can be very hard especially if you don't know the reason why your pet is whining. However, that wouldn't be the case anymore because presented in this article are 5 simple steps that will help you stop your dog
Does Motor Oil Really Help Against Demodectic Mange?
You've probably heard that motor oil cures demodectic mange, but how true is that? Read this article to learn the shocking answer to this question.
Training a Gundog Isn't Hard - Lesson 7, Advanced Retrieving
Having the basic retrieve of a dummy under your belt, it is time to start some more interesting sessions. Taking it steady, we will now teach the dog to retrieve one of a selection of dummies, initially seen, then unseen.
Dog Ear Problems
Ears are made up of the pinna, which is the part of the ear we can see, which leads to the ear drum. With floppy eared breeds of dog ear problems are quite common but they can occur in any dog. So the owner must always check the state of the ears when grooming their pet.
About Rhodesian Ridgebacks
Also known as the African Lion Hound, the Rhodesian Ridgeback is the only dog breed developed in Zimbabwe by the white people in the area for the purpose of hunting lions. They are now popular in Europe and North America, although there are only a couple thousand in the United States. This is a bree
The Right Way to Make Your Puppy Stop Biting
Does your puppy bite your hands and fingers? Are you at your wits end trying to figure out how to train your puppy to stop biting? I can truly say that I feel your pain, or rather, I used to, but no more.
How Do You Feel About Owning a Dog That Constantly Barks?
How do you feel when you have to constantly listen to your dog barking, morning, afternoon and night? Do you just think to yourself what it would be like to just have some piece and quiet for just a little while? When you first got your puppy it was the best feeling ever RIGHT! But the months have n
Your Dog's Health Is At Risk!
Dog health is of prime importance to many pet owners.And many of us believe that feeding our dogs some fresh food and some commercial pet food, and taking our dogs to the local vet every so often, is sufficient to keep our dogs healthy into old age.But is it?
Hypoallergenic Dog Food
If you or someone you know has a dog who seems chronically ill, you know how frustrating, time consuming and even heartbreaking it can be. It is difficult and distressing to watch your dog, which is often considered a part of your family, suffer.
Dog Heart Murmur Cures You Will Want to Know About
Has your pet been unusually lethargic and weak lately? It might be that it is suffering from canine cardiovascular diseases. Fortunately, we don't have to be left in the dark in regards to most of these medical cases. This article gives you some dog heart murmur cures you will want to know abou
4 Good To Know Facts About Hip And Joint Supplements For Dogs
Dogs are prone to conditions related to their hips and joints because of certain factors, such is their active lifestyle, breed, and diet. As such, they may need a hip and joint supplement for dogs, which will protect them from these conditions. Dog owners have to be well-informed on anything that t
How to Make a Stiffened Topknot Bow
Owners of small dogs such as poodles, Yorkies, Shih-tzu and other breeds often coif their dog's long or thick hair into decorative top knots. Stiffened hair bows are affixed to these hair styles for formal shows and for casual attire. Dressing your little dog's hair with cute bows can become an exp