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Eye Health & Optical & Vision : Health & Medical
Good News For Computer Users
Now, more and more people have realized the harm of wearing lenses and receiving eye surgeries. Subsequently, some therapists have emerged to guide people on how to improve their vision naturally.
Eye Spy - Spectacles or Contact Lenses?
Contact lenses are becoming a hugely popular alternative to spectacles for many of the six out of every ten people who don't have perfect vision, but what benefits do they bring the wearer?
How Can You Prevent Glaucoma With Comprehensive, Regular Eye Tests?
Sight is one of the ways through which we interact with our world. Imagine an hour when your eyes suddenly lose their ability to see people and things around.
Lasik In St Louis: A Quick Overview
A relief from the obligations of the poor sighted individual has finally arrived, and it is called Lasik in St. Louis.
Can I Use Colored Contacts Daily?
There are a lot of people that are interested in obtaining some kind of colored contact to adorn. Regardless of what your present eye color is, you can easily change your present eye color by adorning a pair of colored contacts. However, perhaps the most daunting part of obtaining colored contacts i
How The Laser Works In Laser Eye Surgery
Before you have laser eye surgery, are you certain you fully understand the risks and implications of the procedures, and have you selected the right type of corrective eye surgery for your specific condition?
Tips for Cleaning Your Prescription Glasses
Whether it is prescription glasses or non-prescription glasses, eyeglasses are important accessories for many people. By wearing them every day, you generally invite an amount of dirt and sweat to be collected on them, especially on the lenses.
Traditional Lasik Vs. Custom Lasik
LASIK eye surgery restores perfect or near-perfect vision to those with vision problems. While the procedure is similar to previous types of refractive eye surgery, LASIK uses lasers to reduce or improve common vision issues.
8 Facts About Diabetes
Eye disease associated with diabetes can cause blindness. Know the facts about diabetic eye disease to lower your risk of vision loss.
Herbal Treatment for Eye Floaters
Eye floaters are small clumps of debris or thickened liquid in the eye. As you age, you may find these become more noticeable, especially in bright light or when you are looking at a plain background. While these rarely pose any risk, they can be bothersome. Floaters will tend to shrink as time goes
How to Relax Your Eyes and See Better
You have probably experienced a feeling of strain in the eyes after hours of some monotonous activity, prolonged reading or sitting at the computer. Excessive close work can lead to deterioration of vision. Dr. Bates, an American ophthalmologist of the 20th century studied symptoms and causes of def
How to Reverse Macular Degeneration
Macular degeneration is a condition in which the macula, located in the retinas' centers, begins to deteriorate. The two types of macular degeneration are "wet" and "dry," with the "wet" category being the most serious. Common causes of macular degeneration include age, circulatory problems, atheros
Cataract Surgery
According to the National Institutes of Health more than 22 million Americans have cataracts. By the age of 80, more than half of the people in the United States will have a cataract or have undergone
Designer Contact Lenses As the Latest Eyewear
Eye refraction errors are easily corrected by use of proper lens such as in eyeglasses. Nowadays, eyeglasses are being replaced with contact lenses. It is easier to use and there is less hassle than when using eyeglasses. Designer Contact Lenses are also available for cosmetic purposes. Most of it d
Eye Care For Computer Users
Computer monitor eye strain may lead to a strain on the eyes which subsequently can result in blurry vision, dry eye syndrome, a development of nearsightedness, tiredness, and pain in the neck and shoulders. Where computers are used very frequently (and without proper care) it is suspected that heav
Elderly People With Common Eye Disease Respond Well to Program
Age-related macular degeneration, or AMD, is the leading cause of blindness in this country, affecting about 6% of the population. The cause is not understood, and there is no cure, so people with the condition commonly feel isolated and unable to cope.
How to Interpret Eye Reports
Eye reports record the power and health of your eyes and they make remarks about your eyes' ability to accomplish basic tasks. The reports use a lot of abbreviations that are difficult to understand if you have never encountered them before. Spend some time learning how to read a report so that you
The Convenience of Prescription Sunglasses
Prescription sunglasses can offer convenience to those who wear specs on a daily basis or those who have chosen contacts over specs. Thousands of people worldwide prefer contacts because they don't have to wear specs, enabling them to wear sunglasses.
Eye Strain Relieving Computer Vision Syndrome Remedies
Learn about the causes of Computer Vision Syndrome as well as the practical and natural solutions to solve this problem. Effective simple adjustments to workplace habits to relieve computer vision Syndrome. Eye relaxation eye exercise techniques as a remedy to this problem.