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Food & Drink : Health & Medical

Ceylon Tea - A Surprising History

Under Dutch rulers, Ceylon started out as a country with cinnamon plantations. However, when Britain took over the country, private cinnamon plantations were prohibited. This change was made for financial reasons to create a monopoly for the East India Company, owned by Britain.

What Causes the Bitter Taste in Dark Chocolate?

Chocolate is a staple of the candy industry and dark chocolate is no exception. Anyone who has eaten dark chocolate will notice a fundamental difference in flavor from milk chocolate or white chocolate. The reason lies in dark chocolate's main ingredient: cocoa. While dark chocolate can be too bitte

How To Get The Right Espresso Coffee Machine For My Home

There are times when we think of making a new addition to our house. Most of the addition for some reason or another seems to take place in the kitchen. We first got a conventional oven for baking, roasting and grilling and then migrated to a microwave oven. Then we bought a coffee maker and now it

How to Stack the GE Washer WSXH208HWW

Stacking your General Electric WSXH208HWW washing machine and dryer is a handy way of recovering utility room floor space and reducing your laundry appliances’ footprint. With a stacking kit available from GE, you can safely place your dryer on top of your washing machine using common househol

What Are Fig Newtons?

Wander down the cookie aisle at any grocery store, and you are bound to stumble upon a bright yellow box that reads "Fig Newtons." A look at the image on the box suggests that these sweets, which originated in Newton, Massachusetts, are no ordinary cookies. Before you venture into the unknown, learn

Types of Habanero Peppers

Habanero peppers are officially the hottest pepper in the world. Hot peppers are rated according to the Scoville scale and according to Scoville, habaneros range from 100,000 to more than 1 million Scoville units. Unripe habanero peppers are green and once ripened, their colors can vary and turn to

Michael Walsh

Mike is a producer, writer and photographer who embraces the breadth of the word entrepreneur. He grew up on a dairy farm in Ogden,Utah and went on to join the Army. He served in Germany ...

The Benefits of Having Stainless Steel BBQ Doors

There are many reasons that having stainless steel BBQ doors is better than any other type of material. Stainless steel doors are corrosion resistant and are also heat proof. It has to be said that ...

How to Prevent Weeds With Salt

A garden or walkway filled with weeds is a sight that makes almost every homeowner's stomach turn. Although commercially available weed prevention sprays and mixtures typically work well to solve this troublesome problem, harsh chemicals can be pose a health and safety risk. If you are looking for a

The Benefits of Nettle Tea

Nettle herbal tea is a popular drink and possible health benefits. Learn more about Nettle tea and this amazing herb.

Mushroom And Cauliflower Cheese Crumble

This is a wonderful recipe that my family love. The traditional Cauliflower Cheese recipe is given a bit of a makeover. I hope you enjoy this eating this as much as we do.

What Species of Yeast Do You Use to Make Bread?

Yeast is an edible, single-celled fungi. There are over six hundred different species of yeast found in nature. The most familiar of these is the yeast used to make breads. The species of yeast called "Saccharomyces cerevisiae" is what becomes baker's yeast. Its name breaks down into the meanings, "

How to Freeze Orange Juice

Freezing fresh orange juice prolongs its shelf life so you can enjoy it for months after you perform the juicing process. Freezing the juice is a little trickier than freezing water, though. The free-floating particles of fruit as well as the sugars naturally found in oranges make it difficult to fr

Video: How to Put Toppings on a Cheese Bread Recipe

Video Transcript Today we are going to be talking about recipes for those with diabetic diets. Alright now we are going to talk about topping our bread with our onion garlic seasoning mixture. If you want to go ahead and put this on some aluminum foil because that is where we are going...

The Secret of Great Flavoured Coffee and Fruit Milkshakes

Great Coffee and Milkshake recipes - the easy way. Discover the secrets of making delicious coffee and shakes - no mess, no expense, no hassle. Learn the secrets and then discover the whole new world of Coffee and milkshake flavours.

Focaccia Bread - It Is One Of The Staples Of Northern Italian Cuisine

Focaccia bread is a one of the staples in Northern Italy's cuisine. It is really inexpensive to make, and it has a great flavor. I had much fun making this in Culinary school, and it was a real treat to eat. I have came up with my own recipe using the same technique I learned in school. I hope

How to Hide a Grill

Grills can turn into an unsightly eyesore if left out in the open. It can pull your guest’s eyes away from your decor and directly onto the grill. If possible, store the grill when not in use in an out-of-the-way location such as a garage, porch, closet or basement. However, storing the grill