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Diabetes : Health & Medical

High Blood Sugar Raises Cancer Risk

A study involving more than a million people offers some of the best evidence of an association between diabetes and an increased risk of cancer.

Medical Diabetes Information

Diabetes Mellitus is a life-long illness that is complicated and multifaceted. It is a condition characterized by the body's inability to deal with insulin correctly, whether it be by resistance or by deficiency. There are three main types of diabetes, each with its own unique treatments and tr

A Brief Description of Diabetes and Its Symptoms

For quite sometime, diabetes has been-and continues to be-the bane of a good percentage of the population of most countries. It affects about 20 million Americans alone, with another 40 million having prediabetes, an early affliction of Type 2 diabetes.

Preventing Diabetes Complications

Understanding some common complications of diabetes -- such as erectile dysfunction, vision problems, and infections -- can let you recognize the early warning signs.

Forbidden Foods for Diabetics

Diabetics need to pay special attention to their diet to avoid adverse health effects. Knowing which foods to avoid is not as difficult as it might have been. This is because the two main food groups you need to avoid, fats and sweets, are the very same foods that the average person should eat only

Inhaled Insulin Effective For Diabetes

Although inhaled insulin is comparable to injected insulin in controlling high blood sugar, its use should be reserved for diabetic patients who cannot or will not use needles, according to a new study.

If You Are Concerned About Diabetes - Don't Eat These Fish

This article looks at why certain types of fish may be detrimental to the dietary habits of persons predisposed to diabetes. The need to include fish as a part of a healthy diet is also discussed along with examples of those fishes that are safe to consume for persons concerned with diabetes.

Natural Treatment of Adult Onset Diabetes

Naturally treating Type 2 Diabetes requires high doses of vitamins and supplements to maintain immunity and clear free radicals. Talk to your doctor before you buy vitamins.

Continuous Glucose Monitoring-Topic Overview

As someone with diabetes,you know that if your pancreas were working as it should,it would always know when your blood sugar was going up or down. And then it would provide just the right amount of insulin to keep your blood sugar where it needs to be. Instead,you have to do that job yourself. You p

Type 1 And 2 Diabetes Treatment

The people who have the greatest success in both treating their particular diabetes, and in being able to drastically reduce their intake need for insulin, have usually adopted totally different lifestyles, as well as having completely eliminated certain foods which are not appropriate for their die

Diabetic Foot Ulcers - A Common Diabetes Complication

This article discusses why foot ulcers are so common for people with diabetes. It explains why ulcers and foot problems occur, some ideas on how to prevent it occurring and how to treat it if it does occur.

Diabetes and Women

Of all of the people who have diabetes in the United States, approximately 9.1 million of them are women. Women who suffer from diabetes have all of the same health concerns that men have, with a few additional health concerns thrown in for good measure.

How Diabetes Affects Your Feet

What exactly is the cause of diabetic foot problems? In most cases it is damage to the nerves that affect the legs and feet. This is called Diabetic Neuropathy. There is deterioration of these nerves due to high blood sugar levels in the body. Other factors are high blood fat, and high blood pressur

Sleep Loss, Cinnamon and Type 2 Diabetes!

Did you know that sleep, or rather lack of sleep, affects your blood sugar levels? But to help you to overcome the complications that arise from this issue, is a compound in a well known herb which seems to reverse the detrimental effects of stress and insomnia.

Diabetes Treatment

Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of diabetes treatments, including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.

Living Donor Frees Daughter From Diabetes

By donating cells from her pancreas, a Japanese mother has ended her daughter's type 1 diabetes -- at least for now -- say the doctors who performed the transplant operation.

Truths About Diabetes

Diabetes is a disease which impairs the sugar processing system in the bodies of those affected by it. One of the most controllable ways to manage diabetes is to maintain a diet low in sugar and carbohydrates.

Type 2 Diabetes - Ten Top Foods For People With Diabetes!

Most newly diagnosed Type 2 diabetics have questions about their diet, and certainly about diabetes itself. No, there isn't a list of foods you absolutely cannot eat. All foods, in smaller serving sizes, can be worked into a particular eating plan. Check out the following list of what could be

Why Diabetics Struggle With Weight Loss

Diabetes is a very complex disease. One that is shrouded in mystery. Many aspects of diabetes management can be very frustrating, primarily because of unanswered questions, diabetic basics that simply are not understood. The Diabetic's Handbook explains and simplifies many important areas about