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Health Care : Health & Medical
How to Avoid Going Broke If You Need a Nursing Home - And Help Your Children at the Same Time
Nursing home costs can take you broke in no time. In Florida, Medicaid benefits won't kick in until you've spent down most of your assets. Florida also has a five-year lookback rule. However, there are legal steps you can take in advance to hasten Medicaid eligibility and preserve your nes
Traveling Tips For Caregivers
Traveling while caregiving is not an impossible dream, but it does take clear and careful planning.
Facts About Medical Transcription
The allied health profession of medical transcription involves converting verbal reports dictated by healthcare professionals into text format. The written information is transcribed into correspondence, medical reports, or other documents.
Utilizing a 24 Hour Emergency Clinic
Most cities have multiple options for residents that find themselves in need of immediate medical care. If traditional ERs and hospitals aren't an option, 24 hour emergency clinics are usually available and can provide you with certified physicians on staff to meet your needs.
How to Guide the Emulator in "Dark Age of Camelot"
The massive, multiplayer online role playing game, "Dark Age of Camelot," allows players to fight in the war for the fallen kingdom of Camelot. To play the game, players can either log onto a dedicated DAoC server, or host a game on their own server by using a server emulator. An emulator
Save Up to $2,000 by Managing Your United Healthcare Coverage Gap
You can save up to $2,000 by managing your United Healthcare drug plan coverage gap. This article provides recommendations for managing your drug plan.
Dealing With the Inappropriate Behaviors of Alzheimer's
When most of us think of Alzheimer's disease, we think of it in terms of memory loss, and yes, memory loss is part of it. The sticky part comes in when we try to determine if this loss of memory is just a part of the person's growing older or if it could be indicative of Alzheimer's.
Importance of Senior Care Centers
In US, due to the busy lifestyle, people do not have time to give to their seniors. They are busy in doing their jobs because of which they fail to take proper care of their old parents who need them
How Will Competitive Bidding For Medical Equipment Affect You?
This is an overview of a cost cutting program for medical equipment that Medicare intends to implement on a national level in the very near future. The savings it attempts to create sacrifice quality of product and service. In addition, it hasn't been proven that the savings will actually be gr
Non-OEM Parts Are Setting the Standard
Ardus Medical, Inc.'s Biomedical division is producing non-OEM parts that meet and surpass medical equipment industry standards. In the midst of a shaky economy, this creates a viable and affordable alternative to OEM or "brand name" parts.
Getting Rid of Candida Symptoms in Women
In this article, I will discuss about 2 candida symptoms often found in women that are shortness of breath and vaginal yeast (itchiness). I think the shortness of breath is also caused by adrenal exhaustion. I was told to take pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), and it helped for what I had.
Caregiving and Money Management
Money management can be tough on senior citizens. A good caregiver might need to help their client with their personal finances.
How to Set Up an Advanced Directive for a Loved One in California
Creating an advance directive allows an individual to express her health care wishes to family, friends and medical professionals in the event she is unable. Setting up an advanced directive for a loved one helps ensure her wishes regarding medical care are met and allows family members to avoid gue
Home Cooked Meals and Nutrition - Assisted Living Homes
A big concern of many people who are considering an assisted living arrangement is the food that will be served. Most assisted living homes offer home cooked meals that are nutritious and wholesome. This article looks at typical assisted living meal options.
Nurses, Who Are They?
Webster's dictionary defines a registered and licensed practical nurse as a person trained to take care of the sick, injured, or aged and to assist doctors. Many nurses have enjoyed a productive career working in hospitals and clinics. But, by using these experiences, many have gone on and dire
Preventing High-Alert Medication Errors in Hospital Patients
Find out how to stop lethal medication errors once and for all.
Caregivers, Abuse, and Elders
Elder abuse is a serious and critical issue to address when considering any caregiver for the elderly, be it an at-home service or a care giving facility.Abuse can be either physical or emotional, and sometime the caregiver can be completely unaware he/she being abusive towards the patient.
Senior Fitness Activities
Exercising helps fight off depression and aids in maintaining a healthy weight.seniors walking image by astoria from Fotolia.comThe benefits of exercise do not end once you reach a certain age. In fact, exercising at any age can help extend your life, improve circulation and the body's...
7 Easy Steps to Curing Your Runner's Knee in Only a Few Days!
So you think you have Runner's Knee? Well don't panic, because it's actually very common and can be treated fairly simply. Do not try to over-complicate the steps below, because they are very simple and will have you well on your way to running pain free again.
7 Steps to Finding a Good Chiropractor - A Patient's Opinion
I've been under some form of chiropractic care for most of my life. I've lived in many different places during that time, and suffice to say, I've gained valuable experience in finding the right (and sometimes wrong) chiropractors. So I've created this article to help anyone sear