How to Guide the Emulator in "Dark Age of Camelot"
- 1). Log onto the website, DAoC has authorized the community website Dawn of Light to create downloadable patch programs that allow users to emulate DAoC servers. Dawn of Light is the only website that features emulator software approved for DAoC use.
- 2). Download the software necessary to run your own server from Download the DOL Server Autobuild, DOL Server Package, Data Base Only, Packet Logger, DOL Loader and MPK Viewer programs from the website. You will need all six programs to properly emulate a DAoC server.
- 3). Install the programs onto your hard drive. Install the programs on the same drive that contains your copy of DAoC. Restart your DAoC game after you have loaded the programs onto your computer and signed into your account.
- 4). Begin forming a party at the main server screen of the DAoC game menu. You will now have the option of hosting a game on your server instead of using one of the dedicated DAoC servers. Invite your friends to play on your server, and adjust the game rules to any setting you prefer.