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Alternative Medicine : Health & Medical

Effective Herbal Remedies for Hyperactivity

There are a number of herbs that can be used as herbal remedies for hyperactivity.If the hyperactivity is not accompanied with a difficulty in focusing attention, herbs that have a calming and soothin

Vitamins for Memory

Vitamin supplements are usually taken for counteracting or treating diverse restorative conditions. These vitamins offer numerous profits, and are imperative for the best possible working and improvement of the mind. There are a few vitamins ...


World AIDS Day, observed December 1 each year, is dedicated to raising awareness of the AIDS pandemic caused by the spread of HIV infection. It is common to hold memorials to honor persons who have di

Best Way To Stop Snoring And Sleep Well At Nights

Thousands and thousands of individuals in America alone endurea horrible snoring disorder. In most men and women it happens every now and then, while in others it is a day to day occurrence. If it has become a trouble between you and your roommate,it is time that you find a procedure that would succ

The Many Uses of Mint

Think lamb, think Mint Sauce! This is only one of the many uses of this common herb...

How to Avoid Excess Pregnancy Weight Gain?

Most women indulge in too much eating during pregnancy not counting the calorie intake with the concept of "Eating for two". This leads to abnormal weight gain during pregnancy which very often opens up the ...

Acupuncture, Acupressure & Electro-Acupuncture

Acupuncture, Acupressure & Electro-Acupuncture What is acupuncture? Acupuncture was developed over 2000 years ago in China. It implies the use of a network of energy (for lack of a better word) that is still just ...

Meditating To Provide Panic Attack Relief

Meditation can provide panic attack relief in anxiety sufferers. An age old art, nowadays meditation is being used by countless people from around the globe. Regular practice of meditation calms the mind, the nervous system ...

Shrink Your Kidney Stones

A kidney stone is a crystalline mineral material that develops in the walls of the kidneys or the urinary tract. If one is looking for the actual medical term it's commonly known as Nephrolithiasis. So ...

Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral therapy is a way of improving the environmentin which the brain and nervous system live and work. It is an effective enabling activity for facilitating functional activities. Therapists use it to decrease pain and spasticity, increase range of motion, encourage optimal immune and parasy

How to Give an Arm Massage

An arm massage can be wonderful all by itself, or you can add a back and neck massage to it and give a full upper body massage. Arm massages are good for people who use their arms a lot in sports or on the job.

Benefits of Alternative Therapy

Sometimes alternative therapy can work where traditional methods have failed. Say for example someone were suffering with depression, the current standard treatment for depression is anti-depressants (and sometimes in addition Cognitive Behavioural Therapy).

One of the Best Remedies For Impotence

One of the best homeopathic remedies for impotence is found in many homeopathic home prescribing kits. The incidence of impotence is growing. There are several reasons for this. It could be that you have a ...

Cord Blood Transplant - A Better Alternative to Bone Marrow Transplant

As statistics render evidence of more and more positive outcomes of cord blood transplants, a greater importance is now being placed on cord blood donation. Blood and immune system related diseases were the preliminary ailments in which cord blood cell treatment was started. Now the transplant is a

Benefits of Laser Skin Tightening - Mary Azzarella

The technological advancements that have been achieved in the recent past have led to the churning out of procedures that have made it easier for women to enhance their beauty quite gracefully.

Staying Healthy Naturally: Are You Doing Everything You Can to Stay Healthy?

Are you doing everything you can to stay healthy and live the best quality of life possible? Well, unfortunately most people are not proactive about their own health these days. Most people are misinformed about preventatives, proper diet and exercise and just go about their lives doing as they plea