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Microsoft Software & solutions : Technology
How Can I Unlink Windows & Yahoo?
Most of the services associated with Microsoft products require you to create a Windows Live ID. This account can be created for free with any existing email address, such as a Yahoo! Mail address. The email address that you use to create your Windows Live ID address is then linked to the account an
System Cleaning Tools
Spyware, viruses, excess registry files and system files can corrupt files and slow down your computer's performance. To keep this from happening you should get a few system cleaning tools that will help you to maintain your computer's health. This will not only keep your computer running smoothly,
How to Have PC & Mac in the Same Machine
For many years, Apple computers used Motorola 68000-based processors. Eventually, they switched to the PowerPC architecture. Then, in 2006, they changed processor architectures again to Intel x86-based processors. As of the publication date, home versions of Microsoft Windows only support the Intel
How Do I Know If My Laptop Can Use 64-Bit Windows XP?
The 64-bit version of Windows XP is designed to run on computers with a 64-bit capable processor. Compared to the standard 32-bit processor, a 64-bit processor allows more information to be handled by the system at any one time. This is important if you need to run programs that take up a lot of sys
How to Troubleshoot a DX7
Microsoft DirectX 7 was shipped with the release of Windows 2000. Several games have been built using DirectX 7 based engines. Notably, the ID Tech 3 engine used to create Quake 3 was used to develop a multitude of other games. Each version of DirectX has separate container files that are called upo
How to Install Magnesium on a Mac
Magnesium is a chat program for Mac computers that you can download from the Web free of charge. Once you’ve downloaded Magnesium, install the program and begin chatting with your friends in real-time. The installation procedure is straightforward and you can have the program up in running in
How to Edit a Registry DVD-R Drive Value Data
The registry value for your DVD-R drive is the value that communicates the drive's properties to the operating system. Editing this value can become necessary when it has become corrupt, resulting in the drive being improperly recognized by the system. This can generally be done in around five minut
How to Enter a Product Key
In computer software, a product key is a randomly generated string of letters and numbers entered in order to prove that the software product was purchased legally by the user. Depending on the software, the product key must be entered either before the software can be installed, or before a pre-det
How to Install Arris in Windows XP
In order to set up a network with an Arris modem, you'll need to install the hardware first. Then you have to install the software so that the computer is able to use the modem to run the network. The Arris software comes on a disc that is included with the hardware, and if the disc is missing or da
How to Find Information on Using the Windows Registry
If you enjoy customizing your Windows desktop and tweaking the Windows settings to get better performance, then you'll want to learn how to edit the Windows Registry. You can edit it directly (if you like living on the edge) or you can edit it with one of the currently available utilities. Use the s
My Computer Boots Slowly After Adding Memory
A slow-running computer, even after upgrading the RAM, can be caused by factors such as malware, virus infections, too many start-up programs, too many installed programs, poor maintenance habits or an overly full hard drive. Perform a few simple configuration changes and maintenance procedures to
The HP PSC1300: How to Scan
The HP PSC1300 is an all-in-one copier, scanner and printer. When scanning documents with the HP PSC 1300, you have the option of scanning in color, or black and white, with a color resolution of 600 by 2400 dpi (dots per inch). Having a scanner allows you to scan photos and important documents, whi
How Can I Get a Live Snapshot Through Satellite?
Satellites have been circling the globe for years, but only recently have people been given a bird's-eye view of what these orbiters see. Satellite feeds are available online, allowing viewers to see images live, day or night, from all over the world.
How to Install the J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 Update 2
The J2SE Runtime Environment contains all the necessary files and libraries to run applications coded in Java. It also includes the Java Plug-in, which is responsible for running Java applets on web browsers. Version 5.0 adds support for applications written in J2SE 5.0, which enhances some of the J
How to Recover Vista Activation Code
Many software companies use an activation code to prevent unauthorized users from installing and using their programs. Microsoft often uses this model to distribute their software programs, including Vista. Even after you have installed Vista, you may need to reinstall it or install it on another co
Count the Islands - An Example Program for WPF and Recursion
Creating WPF XAML controls dynamically, as well as an interesting exercise in recursion, are both shown in this article based on a programming challenge I received. The problem was to count all of the "islands" formed by "X" and "." characters in a two dimensional array
VB.NET Versus Python
A personal perspective of Python based on my attempt to code a finite state machine in Python. After struggling for days to write the program in Python, I wrote the same program in a few hours in VB.NET. The program requires the use of regression to work, so this example demonstrates the code to &qu
How to Use Camstudio
If you would like to produce your own computer related how-to videos, you will need a screen capture program. Normally these can be quite expensive and difficult to learn. But CamStudio is a freeware screen capture program that has many of the features of the commercial programs, but is still quite
How to Troubleshoot a Downgrade From Vista to Windows XP
Downgrading Vista to XP is accomplished by overwriting your current Vista installation with a fresh install of XP. Problems arise where the installation accidentally copies corrupt or non-functional files. This issue can be handled by using the automatic troubleshooting repair tools in the Windows X