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Computer & Networking security : Technology

The Best Password Manager Dashlane Vs Lastpass Vs 1password

Having strong passwords for online accounts is very pivotal for the overall Internet security. Considering the criteria of a strong password such as proper length, uniqueness, use of symbols, numbers, no repetition, frequent changing, etc., it seems password management is no more a simple task.

How to Remove Symantec EndPoint

Symantec Endpoint Protection provides antivirus, anti-spyware and firewall protection to computer users. It claims to "deliver unmatched defense" against malware for laptops, desktops and servers, and the company website reports that Endpoint "stops malware such as viruses, worms, Trojans, spyware,

Stop Spyware From Stealing Your Identity

Spyware can do harmful things on your computer. You could innocently install a program that promised to boost your computer's speed and increase system performance when really that program is a Trojan horse that sneakily ...

Registry Cleaners For a Faster Computer

When we first buy a computer and bring it home from the store, many of us are fascinated by how quickly it runs. As a matter of fact, we may have sat there for quite some time, simply opening and closing programs in order to watch it in action. That time is rather short-lived, however, and many of u


Online Security is the most discussed and contested word in the digital world and he word that gathers maximum attention and importance for IT Executives. Hence, due to mounting threats from cyber attacks and mayhem ...

How to Pick the Best Registry Cleaner For Windows Vista

If you're still using Vista on your computer, you may wish to use a registry cleaner to make it run faster and smoother. Registry cleaner tools are extremely popular but you need to be very careful about which one you use. This tutorial should show you the best registry tool for the Vista syste

How Does Spyware Work?

Plenty of people wonder what spyware really is and how it works. These people do not realize how dangerous spyware is and how they can be the very target for this malicious software. These people have no idea what type of damage this spyware can do to their computer.

How Personal Firewalls Protect Us From Hackers

Before we could start discussing Personal firewalls we need to make some sense of the more general concept of - "Firewall". Merely after which can we debate the variance between a Firewall and a personal firewall and also know what it means exactly. Just what is a firewall?

How to deal with corrupt BKF files

n today's world, with the increasing use of computers to manage the data for commercial purpose or for personal purpose the cases of data loss are also increasing. Over 60% of internet users

How to Install a CB Beam

Many radio enthusiasts enjoy communicating on their CB (Citizen's Band) radios. In fact, these radios are used in homes and vehicles as well. However, modern-day radio communications can suffer interference from other frequency bands, such as cell phones. A properly installed CB beam, or directional

Common Causes of the C0000218 Error

Computer errors are annoying. This is what people always believe in, no matter how different the computer error is. This is because people usually just identify one type of computer error that can happen to their systems, which is a virus.

Best 5 Online Data Backup Service of 2015

Provided below is a list of some of the best online data backup service that will assist you to backup all the files present on your computer hard drive to the cloud. Cloud backup is ...

A Computer Crash - Unlikely - Think Again

You read about it, heard about it, but do you really think a computer crash can happen to you? You bet. It's easy to become complacent - after all, you take precautions. You're smart. No matter how long you've been using a computer, you know that it's absolutely necessary to back

Cloud Services Categories and Its Advantages

Companies that perform lot of sales services use cloud computing for streamlining data into a single central location. It is an efficient tool that allows you to create data bases, manage all the information and ...

Celebrities at High Risk From Hackers

At last week's Sunday lunch while discussing my recent post on Sarah Palin's email hack, a friend asked me how vulnerable celebrities were to being hacked. It was quite coincidental that few hours later the face book account of the French President Nicholas Sarkozy was hacked into and post

Simple Data Recovery For Windows

A simple Data Recovery Method one can use to recovery lost or deleted files caused by either a hard drive fault or accidental deletion or even a computer crash. Don't worry if this should happen to you...