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Credit : Business & Finance

Why People Max Out Credit Cards

The psychology of credit cards is frightening. Usually, the charges slowly build up until people find themselves in the stranglehold of debt. Understanding why you got into debt is the first step in finding relief from credit card debt.

Can Credit Card Companies Garnish Military Retirement Pay?

Retired service members of the U.S. Armed Forces will be happy to know that their retiree pay cannot be garnished to satisfy credit card debts, according to the Defense Finance and Accounting Service. However, federal law does allow military retiree pay to be garnished in order to satisfy child and/

Learn About Credit

In today's world our credit score is everything. Creditors and bankers approve or disapprove loans based on your credit worthiness. It is also something that will determine your credibility to certain

Why Can Credit Card Issuers Raise Rates for No Reason?

It is imperative that you keep an eye on your credit card interest rate. Card issuers can raise your interest rate at any time--even if you have always paid your bills on time and practice responsible spending habits.

How to Charge-Off Less Than the Full Balance of a Credit Card

A partial charge-off is an action taken by a consumer loan lender. Full charge-offs occur when a lender deems an account "uncollectible" and either writes the account off as a loss or sells the account at a lesser value to a collection agency. Both situations do not relieve you of the debt. However,

Compare Business Credit Cards

Business Credit Cards are a major hit among entrepreneurs and businessmen. It provides a wide variety of financial advantages that can surely be beneficial for whatever company set up.

What You Have To Be Aware Of Concerning Your Credit Score

A credit score is a amount on a scale of 300-850 that is utilized by mortgage lenders, merchants, and credit card companies to decide your line of credit, your interest rate, and additional significant financial information. The Fair Isaac Company (FICO) is the benchmark agency in determining credit

10 Steps to Fixing Your Credit

Does credit card debt got you down? Does it seem like you will never be free of this weight? If you're struggling with debt, here 10 steps you can take to repair or rebuild your credit. If you're short on time, energy, or you at your wits end, contact a Credit Counseling Agency.

3 Credit Reports - What You Should Know About Your 3 Credit Reports

Your 3 credit reports play a crucial role in your financial status that can affect your quality of life. You can hardly get a home loan approved if you do not regularly monitor your credit report; that is why it is very important to know its value and role in your life because it can greatly affect

Repossession - Learn More About It

Do you currently have a mortgage for your house and do you always make it a point to pay your mortgage bills on a monthly basis? If your answer for both is yes, then you will definitely have no problems in the future.

How to Get Your Free Annual Credit Report

Unfortunately the holiday season usually brings an increase in credit card fraud and identity theft, so right after the holidays is a great time to check your credit report.Following is why, when and how to check your credit report.

A Warning Before Getting a New Card

Here is a few information you may need to know with your credit cards. Whether you have problem getting rid of debt or just new to applying for one, here's a good guide to familiarizing yourself with credit cards.

The Pros and Cons of Keeping Numerous Credit Cards

These days, getting a credit card in your name is not a big thing, especially if you have a good credit card history. Its also easy for those who have a secondary credit card in ...

The Benefits of Prepaid Debit Cards

A prepaid debit card a sensible alternative to credit card. It is easy to get, costs less to use and offers many of the same benefits a credit card provides. Find out what you can do with a prepaid debit card.

PowerShares DB Energy Fund

The PowerShares DB Energy Fund seeks to track the movements and returns of the DBIQ Optimum Yield Energy Index Excess Return. There is no direct investment in this index, so the fund invests in the futures contracts that comprise the fund. DB Commodity Services LLC serves as the Managing Owner of th

Your Credit Score - Why You Should Care About It

Your credit score, composed of just a few measly numbers, hold such power over the financial future of your life. A score at the lower end of the scale can cost you hundreds even thousands of dollars in interest costs over time. A lender will most likely reject you for a loan because of a low score.