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Motorcycles : Cars & Vehicles
1998 Cadillac Deville Specifications
Cadillac has been manufacturing cars for decades.cadillac image by Jose Hernaiz from Fotolia.comIn 1949, Cadillac began producing the Deville. The sedan went on to win the first-ever Motor Trend Car of the Year award that same year. Over the years, the Deville became the best-selling car...
Icon Helmet Review - A Rider's Perspective
The Icon helmet sits in a unique position in the marketplace.It seems to be competing with top-of-the-line motorcycle helmets from Arai and Shoei on styling and appearance, yet is carries a much lower price.Cautious consumers would be wise to investigate the quality of this helmet to see if you real
How to Seal a Motorcycle Tire to a Rim
In order to maintain proper inflation and prevent a tire from moving freely, the tire must be sealed against the wheel's rim. This process is often referred to as seating the tire's "bead," the raised lip on the inner edges of the tire. Doing so requires some knowledge of how to mount a tire to the
Tips For Staying Safe On Your Motorcycle
Motorcycle riding can be a wonderful experience for anyone that loves to get out on the open road and explore the country side to take in the scenery and fresh air. It's important to keep ...
Ideas on How to Custom Paint Choppers
The main objective of having a custom paint job is to stand out from the crowd. A chopped motorcycle usually accomplishes this by design alone, but the addition of paint effects ensures the desired result. Numerous paint options guided by personal preferences will secure the singular appearance chop
How to Identify a Ford 390 Block
A member of Ford's FE big-block engine family, the 390 cubic-inch block is difficult to distinguished from other FE engines, as many of its components are interchangeable. The 390 is a common FE engine, first introduced in 1961 and produced through 1971 for autos and 1976 for trucks. Begin by identi
How to Disable or Disconnect a 1997 Jetta Car Alarm
Disabling or disconnecting an alarm enables you to operate your vehicle without worrying about the alarm activating. This is often necessary if you lose the key fob connected to your keyless entry and haven't had a new fob activated yet. Fortunately -- unlike many American-made cars -- the 1997 Volk
Motorcycle Belly Pans and Motorcycle Seat Cowls - Choosing What's Right For a One-of-a-Kind Ride
Nothing beats upgrading your motorcycle gear every once in a while. Not only does it give it a fresh new look and a newer feel, it adds up to your confidence to strut your ride on the road as well.
How to Make a Motorcycle Windshield
Have you always wanted a windshield for your motorcycle, but can’t find one for a reasonable price? Read on to learn how to easily make your own motorcycle windshield with a few simple tools.
Pass Plus Course For Learner Drivers
Driving Standards Agency has designed a scheme which is well known as Pass Plus. It is designed with coordination and cooperation of the driving institute and motor insurance industries. The main aim of this scheme is to gain a valuable knowledge to the drivers who are fresher, learn new skills and
Motorcycle Fun Times
While the motorcycle has a popular image as a dangerous machine, I don't fear them. I rode on one for the first time with my grandfather when I was five years old, riding on top of the fuel tank on the way to the park.
Great Motorcycles - The BMW K1
In 1989, BMW released a motorcycle that shocked the motorcycle world. That bike was the BMW K1 and it was surprising for two reasons, its performance and the fact that it was built by BMW.
Motorcycle Racing - soft666
Motorcycle RacingMotorcycle racing is a very exciting sport that many people love to watch. The three main types of motorcycle racing include dirt bikes, street racing, and drag racing.
A Short Guide to Buying Motorcycle Battery Chargers Online
There is nothing more fun than riding your motorcycle on the weekends. It's especially true in the summer when the weather is nice, and you can actually use your motorcycle for travel.
Renewing Your Motorcycle Insurance Guide
Riding a motorcycle is completely different to driving a car. Your insurance needs will be different as well.
Mini Choppers
Mini choppers, factory built or custom mini choppers, are the hottest, most popular and fastest growing segment of the mini bikes hobby today. And they are becoming more and more popular.