3 Things You Need To Know To Make Money With Adsense
With this code it allows other companies to advertise there products on there site.
This is based on keyword oriented content, so you only advertise when the content is relevant.
When someone comes to your site and clicks on the ad you make money.
All you have to do is put the code in.
Google takes care of the rest.
Including collecting the money and Paying you.
There are documented cases of people making over 500$ a day.
There are ads that pay up to as much as 5$ a click.
There are people earning over 10,000$ a month.
These are exceptions.
With some time ,effort, and research you could expect to make between 800$-5000$ a month.
2) So what do we do to increase are revenues? First most people read the content in the middle of the page , So the best place to put your ad is at the top the page.
You want to make the ads seem like part of the web page.
Most people don't like to be sold anything.
Since we cant tell them to click on the ad, this is the best thing to do.
Use the large rectangles(336by280).
They get the best click threw rates.
You want to get rid of the border.
The border makes it look like a advertisement, and like I said people don't like to be sold.
Make sure you make the colors match your site, this will also get you more clicks.
Don't go crazy with ads every where.
Doing this will just make you look like a banner farm.
People will just close the site out and never come back.
Make sure you have good content for them to read.
This will help you get return customers.
3) The big no no's of AdSense! You should never give false information.
Google will close your account immediately, and keep all your money.
Never modify your ads.
You should never display Google ads with there competitors ads,like overture.
That is just common sense .
They don't expect you to be completely loyal, they just don't want you cluttering there ads with there competitions.
Don't ever click on ads that are own your own site.
This is fraud.
Also don't ever participate in link schemes.
This will be considered spam! Never advertise any of googles prohibited stuff.
This can be found under your account.
If you take all these into consideration you should be well on your way to making huge profits with AdSense.
So what are you waiting for/ Start making your piece of the pie today!