Tea Pot Can be a Medicinal Answer
Tea pot, also called cannabis tea or sometimes weed tea, is exactly what it sounds like. It is a method of making tea using marijuana. It is not done with the intention to get stoned, as the levels of psychoactive ingredients are dispersed when added to hot water. There is nothing new about brewing cannabis into a tea. A number of cultures, including some tribes of Native Americans, Chinese and citizens of India have used cannabis as both the brewed tea and as an additive to other types of brewed tea. For example, in India the process of brewing tea using parts of the cannabis plant is referred to as Bhang, which simply means a tea and cannabis mixture.
Despite the ongoing controversy regarding marijuana as a medicinal plant there is enough proof to show that is can help with certain conditions. One of the benefits to this tea pot instead of smoking pot is that it eliminates the need to smoke it. That in itself is a health benefit. Especially since the ingestion of the cannabis in this manner seems to be as beneficial as the other method. One testimonial to this method of using medicinal pot comes from a British athlete, known as one of the best cricket players of the last one hundred years that it helps him to control eye problems he has. Ongoing research into the use of marijuana also indicates that drinking cannabis made into a tea has the same pain relieving benefits that some terminal cancer sufferers receive when smoking cannabis.
Interestingly this tea pot, or Bhang, is very popular in India to be drunk on special occasions for traditional Hindus. They drink it usually during the Holi festival or during the Festival of Kali. Many of the more conservative Indians think it is wrong to use but enough Hindus believe in its use that it is readily available. Oddly growing marijuana is illegal in most places in India, yet there must be some where it is not only legal but encouraged to grow since this drink can be found in many Indian restaurants throughout the country. There are stores that are allowed to sell and serve this type of tea.
Typically it is prepared in a cup and served as it would be in a restaurant. The product can also be sold as a paste that can be used to make into your own tea at home. However, no vendor may sell the paste unless the business has specifically obtained government permission to do so. This restriction on the sale of the paste helps to control the quality of the product and eliminate any type of additives that would make the paste cheaper to produce, but dilute the health benefits.
Despite the ongoing controversy regarding marijuana as a medicinal plant there is enough proof to show that is can help with certain conditions. One of the benefits to this tea pot instead of smoking pot is that it eliminates the need to smoke it. That in itself is a health benefit. Especially since the ingestion of the cannabis in this manner seems to be as beneficial as the other method. One testimonial to this method of using medicinal pot comes from a British athlete, known as one of the best cricket players of the last one hundred years that it helps him to control eye problems he has. Ongoing research into the use of marijuana also indicates that drinking cannabis made into a tea has the same pain relieving benefits that some terminal cancer sufferers receive when smoking cannabis.
Interestingly this tea pot, or Bhang, is very popular in India to be drunk on special occasions for traditional Hindus. They drink it usually during the Holi festival or during the Festival of Kali. Many of the more conservative Indians think it is wrong to use but enough Hindus believe in its use that it is readily available. Oddly growing marijuana is illegal in most places in India, yet there must be some where it is not only legal but encouraged to grow since this drink can be found in many Indian restaurants throughout the country. There are stores that are allowed to sell and serve this type of tea.
Typically it is prepared in a cup and served as it would be in a restaurant. The product can also be sold as a paste that can be used to make into your own tea at home. However, no vendor may sell the paste unless the business has specifically obtained government permission to do so. This restriction on the sale of the paste helps to control the quality of the product and eliminate any type of additives that would make the paste cheaper to produce, but dilute the health benefits.