What to Do to Get Your Girlfriend Back - The Steps You Should Be Taking Now
Men aren't always that quick to show what they're feeling but once they've lost the woman they love, it's hard to control it.
There's always a sense of finality that comes with a break up.
You start to envision your life without your girlfriend and it's almost overwhelming.
The truth is that many couples break up and then go on to not only make up, but create more connected, loving relationships.
It's entirely possible that you can do the very same thing with your ex girlfriend.
It's not easy though.
You essentially have one opportunity to win back her heart, so you need to fully understand how to make that happen.
Unfortunately, it's not as simple as telling her you're sorry and asking for another chance.
One answer to the question of what to do to get your girlfriend back is to focus on yourself first.
Although you're going to have an undeniable urge to continually think about her and plot your plan of attack to get her back, set that aside for now.
If you think clearly you'll realize that the relationship has ended for a reason.
There were things that she found unappealing about you.
If you were indeed the perfect partner for her, she would never let you go.
That's why right now your goal has to be on self reflection and determining what you need to be doing to change the things she found distasteful.
Be honest with yourself regarding what she would tell you annoyed or frustrated her about you.
Then work on improving those things starting today.
She's not even going to consider taking you back unless you've made some positive changes.
Chasing after her is incredibly tempting but also very damaging.
Not only will it pressure her but it will make you seem desperate.
It's okay to keep in touch with her so the lines of communication remain open but approach her as you would any friend.
Touch base with her from time-to-time over the coming weeks to see how she is.
Thank her for being part of your life.
Let her know that you're doing well and focused on getting your life on track.
She'll be impressed by your emotional maturity.
Once you feel ready to see her again, ask her out for a coffee.
She'll see the new you and it will remind her of why she loved you so much and she'll be attracted to you all over again.