Boosting your fertility with Classical Five-Element Acupuncture

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There is nothing more simple and natural than the creation of new life. We witness it all around us. For many people the question of fertility and the inevitability of children are barely questioned. It feels like our own birth-right, and we plan our lives as if we have the choice to engage with this process as and when we decide.

The truth is there is no guarantee we will all bear children. The creation of new life is a gift of nature and although not a right, every human being has a right to try for a child. The ancient Chinese as with many ancient cultures were well aware of this fact and showed great gratitude when conception occurred, but more importantly they understood that for this gift to come they had a responsibility to create the right conditions within themselves.

For us to be fertile, much like the farmer who ploughs and prepares the soil, we can do a lot to help create the right conditions within us. The Ancient Chinese observed that nature produced new life year after year, and by observing the natural laws developed a health care system that would assist nature in keeping people well, productive and most importantly – fertile.

I have been working with men and women for over 20 years, who for many reasons have not been able to conceive or realise a child of their own. For many this journey is painful, frustrating, and deeply saddening, but worst of all they can often feel a great sense of injustice, that somehow they have been left out or forsaken. This hopelessness that many feel as each month and year rolls on is often rooted in a growing belief that somehow they have been singled out and will not contribute to nature’s great plan of procreation.

Nature wants us to make babies. It will do everything in its power for this to happen, but sometimes something or someone gets in the way. My job and the job of everyone in the field of infertility, be they an acupuncturist, a doctor, a psychotherapist or a friend, is to help move the person in body, mind and spirit to the place where the natural force of creation can dominate and have its expression. This force that creates and allows all life to thrive is always present to all of us equally. We simply need to create the right conditions within ourselves to allow it to move through us equally.

I am an optimist. I believe there is always hope. Of course we need to be blessed with the correct equipment to procreate – a physical reality, and our bodies need the intelligence to govern a process that is precise and rhythmic, but most importantly, deep within us we need the spark of life we call the spirit that ignites and fuels something as powerful as creation itself.

My responsibility as an acupuncturist is to help people access who they are at core, help them dispel any myths and untrue stories they may carry about themselves and help them make choices that are congruent with their sense of self. When we live and function from this place of authenticity, not only do we experience and celebrate ourselves but have a greater potential to create new life.

You may well ask; how is it people with no self awareness, destructive lifestyles and unhealthy ideals still manage to conceive? I do not know and cannot comment as it is not for me or anyone else to judge why nature follows a certain path, but sometimes the life-force is so great nothing will stop it. Think of the seed that falls on infertile soil, shielded from the sun, dry from lack of rain but still grows and finds its way through to become a tree.

Every day in my clinic I see patients improving their physical and mental health, changing their lives for the better and falling pregnant against all odds.

There are no acupuncture points that improve fertility directly, just as IVF (in vitro-fertilisation) is no guarantee of a pregnancy. No on/off buttons that make something happen. Instead the acupuncture points serve as a pivot to allow something to change for the better.

Our cultural term, ‘falling pregnant’ suggests our understanding that it is an involuntary act, and yet when we are not successful we jump into the driving seat of ‘trying to get pregnant’ which inevitably creates tension and stress.

Classical Five-Element Acupuncture, which is a distinct and unique style of acupuncture, addresses the issues of ‘unexplained infertility’, and offers a very different approach to this problem as it recognises the importance of a healthy body, mind and spirit.

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