3 Ways to Get Your Ex Back - Which One Will Guarantee That Your Lover Runs Back Into Your Arms?
The truth is there is not just the one answer to this question, and for most of these, they can rarely be used in conjunction with each other because sometimes the methods are contradictory.
You will need to decide for yourself how you want to proceed in getting your back and stick to that one method.
The first method is to act all needy and clingy, and I must be honest, in my personal opinion, I would not advise anyone to follow this path if they were really serious about wanting a second chance with the ex lover.
This path is where a person will be calling their ex countless times a day, and writing a lot of emails to tell their ex how much they are missing them.
This will make sure your partner runs far away from you instead of even thinking about giving you a chance.
The second method is to be available.
This method is based on the premise that your ex might be prepared to give you a chance once they have had a chance to cool down and had the space to process the relationship.
Being available means you will see them when they want to see you, listen to them when they want to talk, respond to their emails and pick up or return their calls.
It is allowed to date other people at this point, but you really do not want your ex finding out about that.
With this strategy, you do not want to be pushy about getting back together with you, you simply plan coincidental meetings where you get to see them.
The third strategy is to be aggressive in your efforts to win your ex back.
This strategy lets you play on peoples emotions, by getting them jealous with the hope that they will realize what they are missing.
What you will do is to make yourself extremely desirable to your ex partner.
Once you have the look that you are aiming for, you will go out to the same places that you know your ex loves to hang out with his friends.
When you are there, you will pretend your ex is none existent, and you will flirt with your ex's friends.
This method requires that you flaunt that you are available and valuable, and as your ex sees his friends giving you attention, hey will probably get jealous enough to want you back.